Board Demographics

37 female happily married for almost 19 years 1 son age 20 3 daughters 18,16, and 14, 1 turkish van cat Simba age 3,3 dogs,Indie age 6 chinese shar pei,Buddy age 1 brittnay spaniel,Mieko wolfdog(wolf/husky) almost 2, 1 rabbit 6 months Miss Tinker,many many fish and 7 chickens,Scooter,henny penny,lexi,sparkles,neek,red,spirit.
<---Female, age 39. One kid (unless you count my husband) a daughter age 5. I am a sahm/part time preschool classroom aid. I have 1 female boxer, Belle, one male lab named Sambo, one chocolate "bloxer" (half lab half boxer) named Shakey, 9 chickens: 6 reds named Tiny, Squawk, Scratch Fly, Hilda and Grumpy, three Bantams named Fred (even though she is a hen), Ethel, and Lucy.

I almost forgot my daughter's fish Alpha the Beta
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43, accountant - female, married, 3 kids

I hope someone with time and patience will give us a graph or some stats from this - interesting.

Maybe it should have been a poll - can we do that here?
I'm a 26 yo (will be 27 June 21st) wife and stay at home mother of 3 (with # 4 due in August). My children are 2 girls ages almost 5 (on June 12th) and 2 1/2, and 1 son age 1 (March), and the Ultrasound is saying this next one is another little girl
. We have a Jack Russell Terrier girl named Six, a Black Lab/Westie mix girl named Lily, a male albino bunny named Bunnicula, and hoping to get some chicks this weekend.
39 female and mother of 3 girls 1 boy and brand new grandma of little baby girl 2 weeks old. I've been married 20years this month on the 11th.

ages of children are 20, 18, 16 and 14. Husband says he is 24.5 (add another 24.5 and get the real total )...
38(but I feel like I am 25:p) Happily Married for 7 years,1 daughter age 5, SAHM, small business owner, was a copyright liaison before becoming SAHM, Animal lover, but horses are my favorite.. chickens close second;)

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