Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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Back in the old lit...yes, I know it is almost 100 years old... winnow out the grain and discard the obsolete... I was researching feeding chicks because I wanted to see how they fed them in "more natural" times. Over and over again, I read admonishments to raise the Sussex chicks on grains only. No potions, lotions, supplements, or fancy feeds. Just hard grains. No mention of soft grains that I remember. I don't know how to bring that knowledge forward to modern times yet. I know better than to grab old knowledge and simply transplant it to current times. That is just asking for trouble without weighing it against current breed needs and its performance in our modern, more toxic world. Still, I find it fascinating that such a wide range of experts back then are all advocatig the same things. Grains the more hard grains the better... up to... and including nothing but hard grains. So that is a place to start and then research how such advice needs to be modified to make it successful in today's poultry raising.

I wonder why the "hard" grain? Why not "soft" grain?
Herb Hotlz explainedit to me. A chicken like a cow, or a goat, runs a giant fermenttion vat for a digestive tract. It is the fiber, and bulk, that keeps them warm in the winter , not fats , etc like in a horse. He told me to hatch LF when it was cold, and feed to get the furnce going with the fiber from whole grains. Does this not sound familiar to everyone over the age of 50 ? Fiber is GOOD.
Herb Hotlz explainedit to me. A chicken like a cow, or a goat, runs a giant fermenttion vat for a digestive tract. It is the fiber, and bulk, that keeps them warm in the winter , not fats , etc like in a horse. He told me to hatch LF when it was cold, and feed to get the furnce going with the fiber from whole grains. Does this not sound familiar to everyone over the age of 50 ? Fiber is GOOD.
Thank you for the explanation! It makes sense now.
Karen, I've probably looked at some of the same old books that you have for the same reasons - to see how they did it back before the days of manufactured feed. I wonder if the feeding was different for fanciers that showed poultry than it was for chickens on the homestead?

(snipped for brevity)
And the search for optimum nutrition continues...
We have so many of the same questions. Looking for the same answers. Good to know I'm not the only one, smile. Just a real interesting letter you wrote here. Been thinking many of the same things myself. Thank you! Currently trying to figure out how to manage marigold in my Light Sussex. I know that in hand-mixed feed, there is a threshold above which marigold will get sucked up into the feathers of a white bird and cause a brassy cast to the white fetheers. Bought some Southern States All Grain today. Got it home and see there is marigold in it for "bright colors" and "yellow egg yolks" . So am wondering if Southern States has managed the threshold, or doesn't care, and if it is ok to feed my Light Sussex. So many questions...
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Questions for black bird breeders and judges:

Purple barring is a defect in black feathers. If you have a purple-barred bird that is superior in all other aspects, is there something you can pair it with to eventually get rid of the purple barring? If so, what do you look for to offset the purple bars when "don't breed purple birds" is not an option? (Assuming you can find one bird with no purple.)

If a black bird has purple barring all over, how much of a deduction is it? The standard says 1/2-2 points per section. Not sure how many sections on an all-black bird, or how the points are weighted when the entire bird is black.


Are you sure that you are seeing purple barring and not just a purple sheen? Purple barring will look like a barred rock's feather pattern, only purple. A purple sheen on a black bird is ok. Other than perhaps making sure its not a sheen, I have no advice to offer. Sorry.
Walt Boese told me I could feather sex his strain of Light Sussex. According to the pics below, all 6 of the 3 day old chicks in the brooder are pullets.


Last minute notice....
Shipping out in 2 hours. I had a cancellation. I have 20 Delaware chicks hatched in the last 24 hours. $8. each plus $40. for shipping and box.

These will be the FIRST Delawares (F4s) I have released.

No guarantees, but am hopeful they will be good quality.


Congrats Kathy! Very happy to hear your Del breeding program is going well. Keep em going and many many will be happy to own a Delaware.
Hi 3riverschick
I saw that you mentioned southern states feed on one of your recent posts.Have you ever tried growing out your birds with Rockin Rooster Booster.It is 20% protein pellet with animal protein.I love the stuff.I start with start and grow and then transition to the Rockin Rooster.Birds seem to love it and the grow like crazy.Since you mentioned southern states feed I thought I would share that in case you didn't know about this particular feed.
Hi 3riverschick
I saw that you mentioned southern states feed on one of your recent posts.Have you ever tried growing out your birds with Rockin Rooster Booster.It is 20% protein pellet with animal protein.I love the stuff.I start with start and grow and then transition to the Rockin Rooster.Birds seem to love it and the grow like crazy.Since you mentioned southern states feed I thought I would share that in case you didn't know about this particular feed.

Bobby what age are you moving them over to Rockin Rooster?

Hi Melroseladi
I think I go more by size than age.When they are about partridge size I start with a mixture of one fourth Rockin Rooster to three quarter start and grow.At just before fryer size half and half.At just over fryer size I move to all Rockin Rooster.If you watch the feed trough they will get to the point the crumble is what they eat last.
Hi 3riverschick
I saw that you mentioned southern states feed on one of your recent posts.Have you ever tried growing out your birds with Rockin Rooster Booster.It is 20% protein pellet with animal protein.I love the stuff.I start with start and grow and then transition to the Rockin Rooster.Birds seem to love it and the grow like crazy.Since you mentioned southern states feed I thought I would share that in case you didn't know about this particular feed.
I have heard of this feed. What is it exactly? Just for males? Where do you get it? It has such a specific name, I figured it might not word for a general flock.
Thanks for the heads up,
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