Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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Thank you for taking Crevecoeurs on! That's a brave undertaking, but worthy, indeed.

My general understanding of earlobe genetics is that it isn't very well understood. In dealing with Dorkings, I have a breed, like the Creves, tht is supposed to be red earlobed yet to lay white eggs--an unlikely combo.

I'd concentrate on your cocks. Select for the reddest possible.

In the long run, I think that a truly dedicated, long-term project in Creves will probably necessitate a process of out-crossing to an appropriate breed and then grading back.
I don't think I'm brave, I just have time on my hands,LOL. I'm hoping to move to a place where we might have more space and can do the job right, but until then, it'll be VERY slow going. Still, I'd like to work on it until then... I agree that I'll probably have to out-cross at some point, and might do that sooner than later. I have to see what the birds from exop are like first, but if they're truly small like mine are, I think I'll be crossing with a dorking for size and type (basically the same) and work to bring back the comb, crest and beard from there on out. If you never get chicks that grow up big out of the stock you have, you have to do something..?
I have just started breeding La Fleche and like they are supposed to have, my La Fleche mostly have white ear lobes but with some, I have an opposite problem: some of the earlobes have touches of red. I have been told that earlobe color is difficult to correct so I want to make sure I select only the whitest earlobes.

This first year, I am selecting my breeding birds by choosing males with the whitest lobes and best V-combs (I am told the combs are difficult to correct too) and alternately, selecting my hens mostly for larger, better shaped bodies. I have ordered some La Fleche chicks from Sandhill Preservation where I could only order 15 but had to have a minimum order of 25 chicks to ship. I had to come up with a filler breed. I initially chose Buckeyes as a filler but Sandhill indicated that Buckeyes were severely back ordered and that would delay my shipment. Since the Buckeyes were mere filler that I thought I could integrate into my flock if I saw any trait worthy, I told Sandhill to fill the 10 with Crevecoeurs with the idea I would sell, give away or eat the Creves. I will let you know what their earlobes are like. I have no idea what the quality will be like but if I have red earlobes, cluck-cluck, you are welcome to them. Good Luck with your Crevecoeurs!
Yes, I read and I hope you'll share with us how they taste if you get that far! I'd love to know how they grow out, and would love photos, again, when you get so far with them! Wish I lived nearby, then we could have ordered together :( I heard Sandhill's stock is Duane Urch's birds, is that so?
I don't think I'm brave, I just have time on my hands,LOL. I'm hoping to move to a place where we might have more space and can do the job right, but until then, it'll be VERY slow going. Still, I'd like to work on it until then... I agree that I'll probably have to out-cross at some point, and might do that sooner than later. I have to see what the birds from exop are like first, but if they're truly small like mine are, I think I'll be crossing with a dorking for size and type (basically the same) and work to bring back the comb, crest and beard from there on out. If you never get chicks that grow up big out of the stock you have, you have to do something..?
Yes, I read and I hope you'll share with us how they taste if you get that far! I'd love to know how they grow out, and would love photos, again, when you get so far with them! Wish I lived nearby, then we could have ordered together :( I heard Sandhill's stock is Duane Urch's birds, is that so?
I do not know the answer about Sandhill's stock but I would guess you are correct (about both Crevecoeurs & La Fleche. I was thinking if the La Fleche are Urch, then perhaps they will be enough generations removed to be of help to my La Fleche breeding project.
BEST of good hatching vibes coming your way, cbnovick!
Thank you...
I am bound to be a bit more neurotic with this particular hatch.

Have you read this site?

I know a fellow who is a very good breeder of this breed in the north. If you would like to get a hold of him send me a personel message and I will get you his name and contact numbers.

He has some wild speculation on his site. He thinks the whites are the only Chanticleers and the other colors are imposters slipped into the Standard by the wicked folks at the APA. On line it is not about the breeds, it is about the "story" about the breeds. That's what helps sell birds.....ya have to have a good "story" and he has one.

He has some wild speculation on his site. He thinks the whites are  the only Chanticleers and the other colors are imposters slipped into the Standard by the wicked folks at the APA. On line it is not about the breeds, it is about the "story" about the breeds. That's what helps sell birds.....ya have to have a good "story" and he has one.


But Walt I had this really cool vision about the APA guys dressed in suits and kicking down doors demanding that breeders do things their way! Was gonna make a movie script about this and everything, this dudes site has opened my eyes man! Who do you want to play you in the movie?
But Walt I had this really cool vision about the APA guys dressed in suits and kicking down doors demanding that breeders do things their way! Was gonna make a movie script about this and everything, this dudes site has opened my eyes man! Who do you want to play you in the movie?
But Walt I had this really cool vision about the APA guys dressed in suits and kicking down doors demanding that breeders do things their way! Was gonna make a movie script about this and everything, this dudes site has opened my eyes man! Who do you want to play you in the movie?

It is all true........everything online is true. I would rather play myself and also do the stunts myself.

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