Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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Naming a "male showgirl" would probably get me banned from BYC, LOL.....however, Walt, on the Columbian Rocks, are you referring to bantams or standards?

I reason I ask is selfishly to have some help with the standards, but on the bantam side, 3 people have asked me about Columbian Rock bantams just this past week and I don't know where to guide them


Bantams. I don't see many Columbian Rock LF out here.

Well it really wasn't your posts that got me it was one on here questioning the feller on who in the "Hell he thought he was"? Well on here who in the hell has that autority to ask such? We are all the same, MEMBERS by title unless it says Administrator or Moderator out beside your name. We all put our britches on one leg at a time.

I don't need too much help with the NHs Walt, I got my end of it, thanks for the advice though. If I do, I sure know who to go to he's not on much and he does good with them and he "ain't a braggert and blow hard" for sure.


BTW if your mentoring Ryan maybe remind him to seek a little more input I hear he got rid of a killer Red male(been inquired on a good bit on here/ if that matters much at all) even though it was on the small side still could have been used somewhere in a breeding plan probly huh?

Ryan goes through birds like nothing I have seen. If he has a failing it is that he is unsure of his eye. Normal given his age, but never the less harmful to his quality on occasion. He has a great eye, as many young folks have ...until they have to worry about paying bills and all the other things we adults have to take care of. I have seen the bird and noticed you folks were talking about it in the RIR thread. I certainly would not have told him to get rid of it. I would guess that it was fine weight wise, but just not as big as some of the birds he showed against. He seems to be at the stage where if it doesn't win it is gone........not sure if that is the reason though as he is bit of a bird trader. In any event he knows his stuff.

Jim Sallee was the one that helped this girl make these Colombian Rocks with a Sherman White Rock Male. They hit the lottery in my view.

In regards to that male the R I Red he said was to small this would have been a great cross with the Don Nelson females in the mid west orr in Penn and it may have been a late hatched chick which can make them a pound lighter but genetically the off spring would be right on the money. Again people think Reds have to be two to three pounds over standard weight he was at least 7 1/2 pounds maybe 8 . That was a killer male in my view with a finish I have not seen in a long time plus a great all American fully furnished tail. O well let that be a lesson to you lurkers out there.

My wife now said coming home she wants Blue Indian Runner Frizzles. I told her I would see what I could do.

She's been snorting some of my plants I grow in the green house for my cat. I did not know cat nit did that to us old chicken guys.
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I am thinking it would be a good idea to purchase some wire transport/show cages. What height do ya'll use for your large , heavy fowl? These Keipper coops seem to be "the" thing to buy, but I can't find one taller than 27". Is that tall enough for a big roo? I was thinking of making one with hardwarecloth or something but worry he will abrade his tail on it? Is there another company I should be looking at? A while back someone posted a pic of 5-6 wire cages on a table with their cocks in them for observation? Anyone know what brand they were?
Thanks for your help!
Mitch it will be alright you'll get used to it and they will too eventually. Its just a phase of a newbie going thru the Curmudgeon club hazing process is all. Don't let the the geezers and the overly empowered ones(some think they are anyways) on here get you. Its a public thread you can do or say what you will(right or wrong)(you'll be corrected for sure, We have the SOP police, the RIR posse, some judges-poultry and public, a preacher or two, they all will correct your English, sentence structures, rights and wrongs, behavior, manners, a lot of things on here. And its ok you will be very well taken care of and advised) all as long as it don't violate the BYC rules. Will it piss folks off? more than likely I been doing for 4 years now and some(a few) still like me. So what if your wrong or some think you are, they been wrong before too. More often times they are right more so than wrong but you know we can't all be perfect. I usually catch it, sometimes post it, sometimes not. I "ain't" seen nobody on here walking on water "yet"
I think there are some of these show fowl that can come close to doing it though, the breeders and owners, nah not so much.

Read these few post starting around here I'm sure it'll brighten your morning and give some enlightenment on the situation too. They are proud Curmudgeons too, huh guys? LOL
I have other choice words for them sometimes as I'm sure they do me too, but the sensors block them evertime it try to post it up on here LOL sticks and stones boys LOL


Its hard for new folks to be welcomed into a poultry breeders world it takes decades or more to get up the steps to get to the door to get your foot in. It takes much proof of worthiness, I'm still grovelling at the feet of the Masters LOL

Ha, ha that’s funny stuff there Jeff. Well at my age I’d be doing good to get to the foot in the door stage I guess lol. I suspect that the majority of folks on this site have very little knowledge about chickens, but that’s what the site is for I guess. I have found it to be a good resource on topics like feed and breeds and especially strains of chickens. I might even learn a thing or two from the masters around here if I can get past the ‘too many Roosters in the hen house’ syndrome, but that’s hard to do when you’re a Rooster, hehe.

My wife asked me yesterday why I bother with this, but it’s simple, I like chickens. My experience may be considered by some to be nontraditional, but far from rare and more than likely common. I have spent most of my time actually raising and breeding chickens and relatively little time online. I’ve never been to a poultry show aside from the county fair as a teenager, but I was there for the girls, not chickens. I did not have the good fortune of being mentored by celebrity poultry men, but I have gleaned knowledge from some in my younger years to whom chickens were akin, oh maybe as air is to everybody else. Amazingly today you can pull up a line breeding chart in seconds, but I learned many years ago by talking to people. Some would find my accomplishment in breeding trivial, but they were good learning experiences for me and if I can help somebody out I will.

If anything, I think I’m pretty modest. I haven’t claimed to be anything other than a person who’s willing to share what they know. In fact I have pointed out my area of knowledge as well as the lack of in other areas. I know what I know and I’m happy to share, because I’m not able to share on topics such as the SOP because I am a green horn when it comes to that. I have tried to explain to a couple of these gentlemen that they don’t own the rights to breeding knowledge just because they have bred to the SOP whereas I have not, but It has become an exercise in tedium. They see everything from their SOP lenses and fail to grasp that admission of lack of (former) interests, such as breeding to the SOP, does not undermine my knowledge of something like the line breeding topic I commented on to begin with. Breeding to the SOP is not a prerequisite to breeding knowledge, especially in the context in which the advice was given. I can explain that to them, but I can’t understand it for them.

As I type I’m reading comments about how I’m not qualified, in their opinion, to give the advice that I gave and yet no one thus far has managed to produce any evidence that my advice was incorrect in any way. Making claims that I am not worthy to give advice while thus far being incapable of producing one single point to argue ( in the productive meaning) about the advice in question is neither deserving of respect nor worthy of reply.
No matter whom you are, or think you are, a humble and modest approach is to be respected as far as I’m concerned. And to the gentleman who continues to take issue only with me personally; could you please refrain from slandering me and make just one valid point about the advice I gave? As I see it if you can’t narrow your disdain to even one single point of contention then you are simply badgering me and I would like for it to stop. I have thick skin, but either you have a valid argument or you don’t.

Jeff I appreciate the encouragement as well as the entertainment. There a few of you guys I really enjoy reading your posts on various threads, but I don’t always comment and I don’t private message and all that. There is not much I need to say on here unless it’s posted on one of these threads about chickens, but I suppose the pecking order is our nature as well, hehe. I am going to keep messing around with these Partridge Rocks and projects and others I have around here, but I spite of my experiences with some of these folks I am still thinking about supporting some of these organizations and purchasing the book and study it. I’m still looking into different breeds although I have a couple in mind.

I am thinking it would be a good idea to purchase some wire transport/show cages. What height do ya'll use for your large , heavy fowl? These Keipper coops seem to be "the" thing to buy, but I can't find one taller than 27". Is that tall enough for a big roo? I was thinking of making one with hardwarecloth or something but worry he will abrade his tail on it? Is there another company I should be looking at? A while back someone posted a pic of 5-6 wire cages on a table with their cocks in them for observation? Anyone know what brand they were?
Thanks for your help!

The only birds I have ever raised that it was too short for were my Langshans, would put boards underneath them at shows to keep cocks tails from getting torn up on roof of cage. I'd imagine large fowl modern game/shamo/asil might have issues too. Everything else fits pretty well. I would not use them for conditioning or anything other than getting them used to them for a show or evaluating birds at home. That's more due to construction than size though. I like to use plastic dog crates for conditioning, nothing for them to mess their feathers up on.
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