Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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Have you sprayed your roosts with liquid Permethrin ? It gets into all the nooks and crannies that the powder doesn't. DE is vastly over rated. It does NOT grind up worms in the digestive tract of chickens. It may supply a few minerals, depending on the source.I don't think your mites are coming in on straw. More likely on wild birds.
Vickie....the permethrin is great stuff. I have used it religiously this summer, in the coop, on the roost bars, in the nest boxes, around the perimeter of the coop/house. I even sprayed the outdoor runs and it seems to have helped keep down not only the mites, but it seems the flies, mosquitoes, gnats all seem to be fewer this yr.

My feed store keeps it in stock in a concentrate and its pretty cheap....$6-7 and if I recall, makes 10 gallons which goes a LONG way
Vickie....the permethrin is great stuff. I have used it religiously this summer, in the coop, on the roost bars, in the nest boxes, around the perimeter of the coop/house. I even sprayed the outdoor runs and it seems to have helped keep down not only the mites, but it seems the flies, mosquitoes, gnats all seem to be fewer this yr.

My feed store keeps it in stock in a concentrate and its pretty cheap....$6-7 and if I recall, makes 10 gallons which goes a LONG way
I've used it for years, even on orchids and canaries. NO BUGS !
Please be careful with permethrin (and Sevin) as it will also kill honeybees.

Careless, too liberal applications of pesticides and fungicides can harm the environment/beneficials too.
Best part of Permethrin is when you dip birds, you can dip several. They all get the effects of the medication.

In my opinion it's more valuable than DE. Which I honestly can't see how DE does much of anything other than cut back on flies when mixed into bedding.

Please be careful with permethrin (and Sevin) as it will also kill honeybees.

Careless, too liberal applications of pesticides and fungicides can harm the environment/beneficials too.
Just have to dip birds and dry them indoors. We have Honey Bees and they go for anything liquid. Including our scald buckets(fair warning if I ever give you honey... it may contain blood of culls).
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Have you sprayed your roosts with liquid Permethrin ? It gets into all the nooks and crannies that the powder doesn't. DE is vastly over rated. It does NOT grind up worms in the digestive tract of chickens. It may supply a few minerals, depending on the source.I don't think your mites are coming in on straw. More likely on wild birds.

Agree on the advice about the wild birds, but...DE does work for killing intestinal parasites. Have used it with success on horses, cats, dogs and chickens. I don't know what could have been different but I do know it has worked for me on multiple occasions, so this isn't just me saying "I heard this". It's not that great for mites or lice sadly though.
Last summer when it was so hot and dry my one chicken yard was just covered with ants. It looked like a moving blanket they were so thick. When the chickens would try to eat or drink the ants would climb on there legs and bite them. I took some DE and spread it around the pen and the ants disappeared. We have used it in the house were ever the ants appear take some DE and put it in water and with a rag dipped in the solution wipe the area down and the ants will leave. Good stuff!!
How to locate a shipping box:
Let’s play some examples on how to get a box to a breeder who you would like to get some started chicks from this coming spring. They hardest part is getting a breeder to take the time out of their busy schedule to share some of his good birds with you. Let’s just use my friend Mr. Weaver in Tennessee who has my old strain of White Rock large fowl is willing to help you. You live in Vermont and want ten started chicks in March. Mr. Weaver says I don’t have any boxes and I am not going to order three or five or fifteen so you send me a box I will send you the chicks. DONE DEAL I will get you a box to your post office and to you.
Now we got to put our heads together and come up to get a single nest box to ship him so he can ship to you the chicks. We can go to a poultry show and a suppler will have a box for sale and sell it to us for $10. You then send it to Mr. Weaver. Your cost about $6 to get it to him.
Next you have a friend who is going to a poultry show and they buy the box and ship it to him you then send the friend the money to reimburse them. Next you contact maybe me or a another breeder and we may have a box and we can ship it to Mr. Weaver and you reimbursement us.
Next, just go out and order three boxes from Horizon for $60 send one box to the breeder keep the other two boxes keep them for next year when you may ship some chicks to someone or help a friend out needing a box.
If a breeder plans on selling maybe 30 chicks he should be able to order the three boxes then charge the buyer for the cost of the box and shipping about $20.
Hope this helps some of you come up with ideas.
There is a pigeon place who sells single boxes. I am ordering a box from them to put five Red Bantams in them and ship back to me from Arkansas for breeding season next spring. I have used them before and very good company. Horizon the owners name is George and he is a prince I have dealt with him for over 20 years. If you want some hard to find Standard Breed H. Poultry you will figure out how to get a box to a breeder don’t let something as minor as that get in you down. Now let’s get out there and locate some sellers who can send us some chicks this spring and get stated. Nuff said.
bob here you go this should solve all the problems. One order, pay pal send it to your breeder done deal.
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Fact gathering only. No immediate shipping is planned. LOL

Shipping Live Chicks

My buddy Jimmyjay54 and I have been chatting about this shipping eggs fiasco that just happens so darn often. Won't bore you with the details, but lost, I mean LOST boxes for days, scrambled egg insides even though the very best methods are used, hot trucks, freezing trucks, rough handling, dumped on conveyor belts, sent in jet cargo bays, and who knows what else.

Now, let's get down to brass tacks. Those with experience. Here is the scenario. Gonna send someone 9 chicks, 5 weeks old. Best price on a "good enough" shipping box? Bought in a package of less than 8. Who's gonna buy 30 shipping boxes, certainly not me.

Cost to ship? Current prices, as I understand there's been a rate spike. So what does a breeder have in the box and postage to send out 8 or 9 chicks?

Real experience please. Shoot, any of us can speculate.
Just the facts, as Joe Friday used to say.
I have had good experiences with getting different sized boxes from them and you can buy just 1 too.
How to locate a shipping box:
Let’s play some examples on how to get a box to a breeder who you would like to get some started chicks from this coming spring. They hardest part is getting a breeder to take the time out of their busy schedule to share some of his good birds with you. Let’s just use my friend Mr. Weaver in Tennessee who has my old strain of White Rock large fowl is willing to help you. You live in Vermont and want ten started chicks in March. Mr. Weaver says I don’t have any boxes and I am not going to order three or five or fifteen so you send me a box I will send you the chicks. DONE DEAL I will get you a box to your post office and to you.
Now we got to put our heads together and come up to get a single nest box to ship him so he can ship to you the chicks. We can go to a poultry show and a suppler will have a box for sale and sell it to us for $10. You then send it to Mr. Weaver. Your cost about $6 to get it to him.
Next you have a friend who is going to a poultry show and they buy the box and ship it to him you then send the friend the money to reimburse them. Next you contact maybe me or a another breeder and we may have a box and we can ship it to Mr. Weaver and you reimbursement us.
Next, just go out and order three boxes from Horizon for $60 send one box to the breeder keep the other two boxes keep them for next year when you may ship some chicks to someone or help a friend out needing a box.
If a breeder plans on selling maybe 30 chicks he should be able to order the three boxes then charge the buyer for the cost of the box and shipping about $20.
Hope this helps some of you come up with ideas.
There is a pigeon place who sells single boxes. I am ordering a box from them to put five Red Bantams in them and ship back to me from Arkansas for breeding season next spring. I have used them before and very good company. Horizon the owners name is George and he is a prince I have dealt with him for over 20 years. If you want some hard to find Standard Breed H. Poultry you will figure out how to get a box to a breeder don’t let something as minor as that get in you down. Now let’s get out there and locate some sellers who can send us some chicks this spring and get stated. Nuff said.
You can order and pay for the box and have the box company ship the box directly to the breeder directly...have done this several times. easy peasy.
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