Bob Blosl's Heritage Large Fowl Thread

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Since the pens I'm using are so small, I'm having to only put 2 or 3 females in with a single male. For some reason my Langshans never overbreed the hens so I guess I'm lucky in that. I usually hold the hen down and the male hops on top. Takes less than 20 seconds. I know...I feel like some chicken pimp but it's really the easiest and safest way to do it with the pens I'm having to use for the time-being.

I haven't been able to drive out and check on her yet but hopefully she is still alive and well in her secluded pen.
Please forgive my ignorance, I am new to this breed but have a dozen eggs in the incubator now. Are all Dominiques the rose comb with a spike?

Yes, all Dominiques are Rose Comb with a spike. The Dominique is a cuckoo pattern, just a bit different then a barred Plymouth Rock. The cuckoo comes in several breeds. Including the Barred Hollands, OEG, Cochin etc. Some breeds are called cuckoo and some are calle Dominique. But only the Domingue is the breed named Dominique.
Ideal Poultry has a nice description of the Dominique:

Dominiques are one of the oldest American breeds having been plentifully bred as edarly as 1820. They are a black and white barred bird with the females being slightly darker than the males. Because males are the homozygous sex, they have two barred alleles (BB) and are therefore lighter in color than the females, which are the heterogametic sex and have only one barred allele(B_). Many times customers who want Barred Plymouth Rocks ask for "Dominickers". Dominiques have rose combs, angular bodies and are smaller than Barred Rocks. They are excellent, efficient producers of brown eggs.

Standard weights at maturity are males-7 lbs. and hens-5 lbs.

To purchase a copy of the Standard of Perfection (SOP)

Thank you for your response. I know there are many knowledgable people on these boards that are willing to share their expertise that they has available right off the tip of their head. I do in fact have the SOP, 2 of them in fact, which I share with my grand daughter who is just getting into 4H poultry, but I have had a crazy week & was using my time on the forum to relax so simply asked for the answer instead of going upstairs & getting my books. Sorry if it was an inconvenience. I will definitely read the entire section on Dominiques.
Thanks again
Karen in California
nicely said!
and right to the point...
I've been following several of these threads, so I may be remembering from a different one.

One of the breeders suggested copying the pictures from the SOP and posting them out in the coop.

Why not copy the entire section on Dominiques and place the papers in a folder. Look in school or office supplies for a plastic three prong folder and/or individual sheet protecters. Throw in some extra paper for note taking and attach a pencil or pen. Copy the pictures of the male and female from the SOP and hang them like suggested.

Take pictures of your breeders and put those in a folder, too. You can take your notes and pictures "on the road" and discuss your birds with any experts you meet at shows or meets.

At least this is my intention once I have my breeding pens set up. Hope this helps.
That is eaxctly what I do, in a 3-ring binder, with plastic page protectors on each as I thumb through often.

I also have paer in between each section, where I keep notes of my breedings, and try so hard to keep notes & dates.
I am a horrible note/record taker, the days slip by and it is all I can often do to write down egg sets & lockdowns.
Hello again, have a friend here in Western Washington State that is searching for SQ Partridge Rocks or Penciled Rocks hatching eggs, anyone ?
Thanks all, if anyone has some close to here as possible, please PM me..thanks again.
Sorry! We home school two children and our backup sitter, Grandma, just came home from the hospital. She is still in isolation, but at her house. So the kids have nowhere to go on Monday. I sure was wanting to go. Grew up in the same county she is headed to. Maybe Elias can go with you?
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