Bonsai trees!

Well, at least he didn't eat the tree!

Aw, poor little guy. I'm glad someone found him! What do you feed him?

He eats a wide variety of foods, just not things that are hard. Peanut can not break the shells on nuts; not even peanuts. He likes fruits, veggies, nut meats. His favorite food is pine nuts which are soft and bad for him. He is an animal junk food addict refusing to eat the foods that would keep him healthy. That's why the syringe feedings. Squirrels have VERY strict dietary requirements. Peanut has suffered bone disease, pneumonia, coordination/muscle problems from incorrect diet. A couple of times he came very close to dying. He's just another "special needs" pet among others that we have.
Yes. Very slow. It is something that I guard carefully. Any damage done to it would take a very long time to mend.

How old was it when you got it?
He eats a wide variety of foods, just not things that are hard. Peanut can not break the shells on nuts; not even peanuts. He likes fruits, veggies, nut meats. His favorite food is pine nuts which are soft and bad for him. He is an animal junk food addict refusing to eat the foods that would keep him healthy. That's why the syringe feedings. Squirrels have VERY strict dietary requirements. Peanut has suffered bone disease, pneumonia, coordination/muscle problems from incorrect diet. A couple of times he came very close to dying. He's just another "special needs" pet among others that we have.

Sounds like my budgies. All they'd eat is oily seeds, but they've finally gotten obsessed over grass for a change.
How old was it when you got it?
Sounds like my budgies. All they'd eat is oily seeds, but they've finally gotten obsessed over grass for a change.

The boxwood I have had for five years. The tree I have had the longest is the Japanese Juniper; 25 years. I have a number of trees that I've been growing for 10-15 years. Each year I start new ones. In a bit here I have a few little trees that need repotting.

Encourage your budgies to eat less oily seed and more greens and sprouted seed. If you can I'd like to see pictures of your budgies.


Ginseng Ficus. I wish the picture was better. These trees have a very unique root system. This is the tree I recommended you try.
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The boxwood I have had for five years. The tree I have had the longest is the Japanese Juniper; 25 years. I have a number of trees that I've been growing for 10-15 years. Each year I start new ones. In a bit here I have a few little trees that need repotting.

Encourage your budgies to eat less oily seed and more greens and sprouted seed. If you can I'd like to see pictures of your budgies.


Ginseng Ficus. I wish the picture was better. These trees have a very unique root system. This is the tree I recommended you try.

That's a beautiful tree! Is it a good tree for beginners?
I'll take a picture of them in just a second!
Ginseng Ficus is, what I consider, the perfect tree for beginners and experts. The above ground roots make a very interesting display and the branches are easily shaped. This tree stores water and nutrients in its roots so if you forget to water it it will not die. Many of the bonsai I have are not so forgiving; forget to water them once and they are dead. Ginseng Ficus gives the owner ample warning that something is wrong before it is too late. They are often sold at Walmart and can be purchased off ebay.


Kimmi named this one Oatmeal.

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