Book Your Spring Poultry Order now from Ideal Poultry

We ship on Sunday through Wednesday. Depending where you live they will arrive on Tuesday through Friday. Basically you should just request a week time frame and we will give you a shipping date when everything you want to order is available.
It's the ship date.
Sometimes, due to needing to hatch multiple breeds together to fit your order, they will need to change the date. Generally if they do, it's not more than a few days unless you're on a waiting list for a certain breed.
I have ordered from all the major hatcheries. Though I order mostly from McMurray. My first chickens came from Ideal though I did not know at the time. Including my favorite rooster King Brahma a massive Light Brahma who I bought from the local feed store at the time as a tiny chick which he later grew into a 15 lb monster! And a monster indeed! He was the meanest bird in my flock yet I still hold him as my favorite bird I ever owned.

My own experience has been though I've had more trouble with McMurray chicks I've gotten some beautiful birds out of the extra work. And the prices are higher than the others. But, a lot of my original stock came from McMurray so I am trying to rebuild by going back to the roots of my flock.

I ordered from Marti Poultry and found them to be good birds but pricey and at times even higher than McMurray. But I love the silkies I recieved from them which is why I plan to order some more. And the Olde English BB reds I recieved from them were so tiny and full of character. Though recently an order of straight run Sil-Go-Links was sent to me and even the invoice and the birds all indicate I recieved all cockerels in my order. Making me decide I will be more selective in what I order from them.

As for Ideal? As mentioned before all my first chickens bought from the feed store were supplied through Ideal and they all did rather well for me. I ordered directly from Ideal for the first time this year. so far I have gotten a healthy batch of chickens with only a couple of deaths. I recieved two dead chicks (this is low for me as I recieved more dead birds in some of my first orders from other hatcheries including MCM) in one order but the rest are healthy and doing well and going on to week 3. I did recieve a silkie with some genetic foot disorder but even she seems to be thriving despite earlier fears.

I have also purchased some outstanding Madagascar Games from Ideal. I found silver, black, blue and blue splash were the colors I got once their feathers began to grow out. Love these! ANd the buff and red turken that came in another order.

I may order from McMurray the most but Ideal is defintely my other top pick hatchery. Ideal offers more hard to get chickens and sexed where other hatcheries do not offer this. And I love the fact they are in Texas also. This is just my own personal experiences with hatcheries which has led me to sugguest these two companies when people ask me where to buy from.
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I'm still wondering about the Good Friday weekend. My order is supposed to ship Wednesday, and I can't find the email I got from them stating it may be earlier in the week.
If you are worried about your chicks getting to you on Good Friday they will be fine. Good Friday is not a postal holiday.

Ideal Poultry
I just received my order from Ideal this morning. Only had one dead chick, which is not as bad as I was expecting, considering I had ordered 6 bantams-D'uccles, and I had heard they are not quite as hardy shipping wise, as the standard chicks. It appears the dead chick is also not even a banty, it's one of my buff laced polish.

They even put in one each, extra of the D'uccles, so I have 4 porcelain so far, and 4 golden necks. Then there are 5 buff laced Polish (6 ordered) and 4 white crested blue Polish. And of course, my very first ducklings
They are so darling! It was funny, because I was already figuring out in my head, what I had to report back as far as losses-I will wait a few days, but anyway, I couldn't find one of the ducklings...not dead, just didn't see it. I figured I would have to tell them their was one missing. Even sent my son out to the van to see if it had gotten out, and onto the floorboard-had them down so the heat could get to them. I counted a few minutes later, and all five were there, lol!

My order:

4 porcelain D'uccles
4 golden neck D'uccles
5 buff laced Polish
4 white crested blue Polish
3 Khaki Campbell ducklings (1 male, two female)
2 Blue Suede ducklings-females
I'm still waiting to place a first time order with Ideal. I've been on the notifiy me listing for Barnevelders since Feb. Then I was on the notify me list for Marans. They emailed me that the Marans were available but when I called adivised me to wait and order them when the Barnevelders were available. That eve. I received a email saying my order was ready to ship! ??? What order? I called ASAP the next morning and found it was a mistake.
I wasn't in the system so they don't know how or why I received the email. I really would like a better system so that I know I am really on the listing for Barnevelders & where I might be placed. Main Question:Generally, if you are on the "notify me" listing do you get to order the chicks? IF I am not going to be able to get them this year then I want to pick up some chicks fm the local TSC. Our TSC is only going to carry chicks for about 3 wks fm March 28th - April 19th. I'm a bit frustrated, can you tell? Sigh.
I've been tempted to order D'uccles for awhile but have heard that too about them being less ship hardy. As for Polish I have never had much luck with them no matter who I order from. I've had them arrive dead or die shortly after arrival. The last batch I had was reduced from 3 to 1. I'm trying again this year to see if I can start them up.

Khaki Campbells and Blue Suede make excellent pets! I always had great hatch results with them. Both seem calm as well and easily tamed.

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