
I think I'm too ADD to be bored... I get distracted to easily... what was this post about?
But seriously I do get distracted too easily but on the bright side I am never bored,
Debi, I desperately need your help (yes, again!). There's an opened box of Godiva chocolates in the office kitchen. I just saw it, quickly closed it up and ran to my desk. Please take it, please!
Pass it on over lady!!!! I need chocolate on a daily basis to be happy. And I am always happy!!!! Well almost. My step son was a poo head last night - December for a 17 year old. POO HEAD!

And yes that is BYC on my computer screen. Didyou HAVE to ask?
Your all loopey!
I am going to tidy up the kitchen yet again....take some washing out of the machine....then am going to bed....nope not bored but feeling rather tired today playmates.....see you all tomorrow...God willing...and behave yourselves whilst I am asleep....please ...nite y'all xx
Guess what happened???? I went to the gas station to get cigarettes ( IKNOW) and the guy carded me. I am 47 years old and he didn't think I was 18. WHAT???? I told him how old I was and he said "I seriously doubt that"......
Ya know, I am really good during the day 3 at the most, but then I get some with the pther smokers and it goes downhill from there. Of course once I realized I left my pack at home, my mind said GOGETEMNOW!!!!

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