Both boys? 6-weeks...

Thanks...slowly but surely paring down my flock of 44-straight run chicks to two roos and the remaining hens...hoping to have enough hens to make having two roos possible!! Hoping to keep a Black Copper Maran and a Lavender Orpington roo...but the Delaware Roo is growing on me. He's SO PRETTY!!!! Delawares just look like the quintessential old-fashioned chicken to me...
Did you get birds from somewhere beside MMM? They don't carry either of those breeds
Yes--sorry! Should have mentioned that! I got 19 birds (only 16 made it) from Chicken Scratch Poultry--what I thought was some sort of "boutique" hatchery/breeder because it was recommended on some Blogs and was very $$$. Would not recommend due to ridiculous pricing, cost of vaccinations, and shipping problems (took almost 5 days--and paid $38 for overnight!)

I got Lavender Orps, Black Copper Marans, Welsummers, Ameracuanas, and Olive Eggers from them. Plus, to add insult to injury, one of the Olive Eggers is a crossbeak.

Have had zero problems with the MMM birds--shipping, health, customer service, and generally sweet birds (though I'm not a fan of Barred Rocks from them...but I've read other people complaining about their MMM Barred Rocks, too)

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