Boudreaux's Hatch 11/2019

I'm on the east coast and I barely add any water or none at all. My humidity stays at 26-38% so that works for me. I only go up to 55% after 18 days.

I added water my first hatch like the incubator directions said and lost 9 chicks, I believe it was because of the high humidity.
If the Blue Andalusian makes it through the hatch I will be so excited. You should def do the assortment. I was so pleased with what I did get.
I hope you have good luck with the Blue Andelusian, but prepare yourself. I ordered a blue andelusian form a reputable hatchery and got a black andelusian. They can be black, splash or blue with a 50% chance of blue. I love my chick Chloe (like the Kardashian because of her eye liner), but was a little disappointed. Maybe next rotation of chickens, I will get another.
I'm on the east coast and I barely add any water or none at all. My humidity stays at 26-38% so that works for me. I only go up to 55% after 18 days.

I added water my first hatch like the incubator directions said and lost 9 chicks, I believe it was because of the high humidity.
i know. That's why I waited a few days before adding into the incubator. Did the same thing and added the recommended amount of water and liked to have hard a heart attack when it said the humidity was at 98%. Ugh! WTH was I thinking. I researched how the heck to resolve and finally realized I was already at high humidity. I'll keep checking because I now don't trust. I had the eggs in a carton for a couple of day but didn't turn them. I hope that didn't mess things up. They were also pointed side up. Please tell me I'm ok.:he:eek:
I hope you have good luck with the Blue Andelusian, but prepare yourself. I ordered a blue andelusian form a reputable hatchery and got a black andelusian. They can be black, splash or blue with a 50% chance of blue. I love my chick Chloe (like the Kardashian because of her eye liner), but was a little disappointed. Maybe next rotation of chickens, I will get another.
Me too. It's a total learning experience and the grandkids were so excited to start this experience. I am glad to see them taking such an interest.Love the chickens name! Too much!
i know. That's why I waited a few days before adding into the incubator. Did the same thing and added the recommended amount of water and liked to have hard a heart attack when it said the humidity was at 98%. Ugh! WTH was I thinking. I researched how the heck to resolve and finally realized I was already at high humidity. I'll keep checking because I now don't trust. I had the eggs in a carton for a couple of day but didn't turn them. I hope that didn't mess things up. They were also pointed side up. Please tell me I'm ok.:he:eek:
Eggs are generally resilient. Just keep the humidity in check and turn those eggs side to side. I bet you will still have a good hatch- keep us informed
Sounds like your incubating is going good so far
Just been kinda leaving them alone most of the time. Checking on the temp & humidity. Candled last night and honestly, I really don't know what's good or bad(not experienced enough) and I forgot to post here but Tuesday night the power was out for a couple of hours and I was so upset o I was trying to get everything back to normal in the bator.
I did see veins and what looked like little chickies but I didn't want to leave them out too lock and really just skimmed looking at them. Why is the EE so hard to see? UGH!
On day 7 I marked the egg cells. One last night I could tell has a significant change. I am on day 11.
When you see veins that usually means that there is a chick...

One thing you'll want to look for is a blood ring and you will notice it. Basically all of the blood from the veins pools in floats in the egg like a ring, that means that the chick is no longer alive.

I just watch for growth in the egg especially with darker eggs. I just watch if there's growth in it or not because you will know when you have a quitter because it won't look anything like the other eggs... Almost like it's stunted.
When you see veins that usually means that there is a chick...

One thing you'll want to look for is a blood ring and you will notice it. Basically all of the blood from the veins pools in floats in the egg like a ring, that means that the chick is no longer alive.

I just watch for growth in the egg especially with darker eggs. I just watch if there's growth in it or not because you will know when you have a quitter because it won't look anything like the other eggs... Almost like it's stunted.
Thank you! I haven't seen blood rings as of yet.

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