Bought A New Candling Light and.......


It's All About Chicken Math
12 Years
Apr 29, 2007
Out of 24 eggs, 6 are actually growing. I went to HD and spent $25.00 on a 65 Lumen LED, it works well. I re-candled all the eggs, 17 were clear, 1 had a blood ring. 6 show veining and dark spots, 3 of those I have actually seen movement in. All the growing ones are Cochin.
Don't give up. It sometime takes awhile to learn how to get ever thing just right to make them hatch. Lots of things can go wrong. From eggs that where not fertile to weak embryo to off temps. Get these hatched out and try again. I usually don't set until temps. are at least in the 70's a night my roosters where more fertile.

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