Bought Little Giant 'Still Air' Incubator.... should I get the fan?


10 Years
May 24, 2009
This is my first time and I have it plugged in (after reading the directions a few times and spilling water everywhere and spiking the temp to 110) and it is regulating now... LOL. I bought this still air incubator and an egg turner but I didn't realize what still air meant. I know stupid right? So the fan is sold separately, do I go and buy the fan? Is it a necessity? I'm a single mom and would like to make this work without spending anymore money lol. I am going to attempt to hatch out 12 Delawares and 12 Barred Rocks and I don't want to unknowingly mess something up.
he, knows what hes talking about, i have the same bator & he guided me trough it yesterday & my temp. hardly moves at all if any & that is with 3 difernt thermomters, it is doing great, got to get my humidity down a bit but thats all, go with the pc fan, alot cheaper than the fan kit.
Ok thank you!I will go to his link, I'm not sure how to get a pc fan??? I'm glad I got started getting this together before hand! I am hoping this will be as fun as I'm expecting, used to raising two day old chicks. My boys are very excited. I'm rambling.... I am guessing the fan has something to do with the humidity? We noticed there isn't much moisture on the see through glass but the temp is at 99.5 consistently after much twisting and turning. Hmmm
most any non working pc, fan still works most of the time, if not i think you can get them at raideo shack for little of nothing, but you can find them most anywhere, if you need help wireing it up or mounting it pm me.
I have hatched in a still air LG and got 100% hatches. I later got a fan and liked it better. If you put it somewhere like a laundry room with no windows and the temp doesn't swing more than 3-4 deg, then it will be fine. I started with an LG and now have a Dickey's and a GQF and a hatcher so watch out!!!!
You can used a 80mm PC fan from the old computer. I route the wire to underneath the controller board and through the power cord and then attached to the 5V phone charger. It work just fine. You can get it free or dirt cheap.
You guys are awesome and very encouraging. I'm a nervous wreck about actually hatching out my first batch
... I ended up ordering the fan kit due to timing and the holiday. I have a feeling I will be making homemade incubators before it is over. I love this chicken obsession I have
and it keeps me out of trouble
I know this is old, but people (like me) still read them to study up on certain incubators. I use 12v fans and a variable voltage wallwart power source. That way, you can adjust airflow with 5 or 6 speeds. Just a helpful hint.


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