bourbon red turkeys

Hi you all
I bought a breeding pair of Bourbon Reds couple weeks ago and put them in with my chickens because I've read a lot of post and they said turkeys and chickens get along . so yesterday I find one of barred rocks dead in the pen with a hole in its head I thought something was get in my pen .I checked everything and I couldn't find anything. So when I got up the morning and looked outside to my pen there was the killer I couldn't believe it .it was my bourbon red tom .he had another one down and pecking at her head by the time I got my clothes on and got up there you couldn't tell its head was a chicken so I had to kill her and now I'm separating them . if he wants to be that way .he won't like it to day when I go get the other tom and 4 hens I just bought and put them in there with him lol he'll have to fight his way after today I guess or get his butt whipped
Hi you all
I bought a breeding pair of Bourbon Reds couple weeks ago and put them in with my chickens because I've read a lot of post and they said turkeys and chickens get along . so yesterday I find one of barred rocks dead in the pen with a hole in its head I thought something was get in my pen .I checked everything and I couldn't find anything. So when I got up the morning and looked outside to my pen there was the killer I couldn't believe it .it was my bourbon red tom .he had another one down and pecking at her head by the time I got my clothes on and got up there you couldn't tell its head was a chicken so I had to kill her and now I'm separating them . if he wants to be that way .he won't like it to day when I go get the other tom and 4 hens I just bought and put them in there with him lol he'll have to fight his way after today I guess or get his butt whipped

Oh wow sorry for the loss of your chickens.

I would definitely remove the turkeys ASAP and put them in a separate pen for now. Turkeys and chickens do best when raised together or have a time period of slowly adjusting to each other.

I have only ever raised my turkeys from poults and they are always raised along side chicks and at the proper age go outside to live in the chicken yard with the rest of the chickens. In the chicken yard they have a small grow out coop with a separate fence and stay in side the fence for a few weeks until they have gotten used to seeing each other, that also gives the young ones time to grow. I release them into the main chicken yard once their size is similar to the adult chickens. They will them live with the chickns until the young turkeys are large enough to go into the turkey pen.

I do let them all free range on occasion, but again my turkeys were all raised here from poults.

It may take some time for your turkeys to become friendly with your chickens or it may not happen at all. If you don't have a separate coop and fence to put them in try putting up some kind of divider to section the turkeys off, something they can see through so they can always see each other. Another thing to remember Breeding season has started for turkeys and Toms can kill chicken hens by trying to mate with them.
Well I got them separated and a good thing because I found another one that was being picked on .now all they do is walk up and down the fence I devided the pen with . so I went and got the other 5 and I think there is only one tom. but I can't really tell because they was born in October.I would like to post some pic's of the but I can't figure out how to get them on here could somebody tell me how
Well I got them separated and a good thing because I found another one that was being picked on .now all they do is walk up and down the fence I devided the pen with . so I went and got the other 5 and I think there is only one tom. but I can't really tell because they was born in October.I would like to post some pic's of the but I can't figure out how to get them on here could somebody tell me how
Yea same here I don't have my editor bar so I can't post pictures either.
Sure could use some help!
I know this isnt really related to the post (sorry, but im frustrated!) Im looking for bourbon red turkeys to start a breeding flock. Ilive I ontario canada...what are my options? Thanks
I don't really know if u can send live poults or adult birds to another country u need to check with the laws on that one

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