boys or girls and what am I?


11 Years
Oct 25, 2008
Collinsville, CT
a friend gave me 12 chicks several weeks ago, I've already placed two of the ones I knew were boys but these three, I'm not so sure. also, my Maxine is gorgeous and HUGE
and I was told Americauna (I know, probably EE) but she has yellow feet and all the other EE's have grey feet! Could she be an EE and BO cross?

Maxine, what am I???


I had posted about this one before and I really hope she's a girl cuz she's sooo pretty!

boy or girl?

so pretty! hope she's a she!
(I think in my heart of hearts she's a he)
The first pic looks Rooish to me. The others look like pullets. Wait to see if you get an egg or crow.
I think they all look like roos. But as cmom said, best to wait for a crow or egg to be 100% sure.
First one is a EE cockerel, second i can't tell what it is, but the color is a cockerel color and has the appearance too it looks like - Search "Blue brassybacks".

Now the orpingtons i can't really tell but kinda leaning towards cockerel as well- Keep as long as you can anyway just in case
The whitish one in the first pic looks a lot like my EE roo who was supposed to be a pullet.


How old are these chicks? I have some 9 wk old chicks (ordered as pullets) and one of the buff O's has a much larger comb and wattles than all of the others (like the buff in your last pic).
they are about 15 weeks old and the EE in the first pic, I am assuming is a girl because I had another that looked just like her with a much bigger comb. He went to a lovely farm. goldnchocolate, what do you think of those buffs? do you think they are roos or pullets?
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I am really new, so can't say myself. I read this type of thread so I can learn. But to me, the first one REALLY looks like a girl more than the others, but it seemed to be most consistently ID'd as a roo?

Can someone please explain a little more? The comb is small, minimal or no wattles & the tail feathers go down more. Seems very hennish to me. Not arguing, just tyring to learn

They are all beautiful BTW
Stacyk I wondered that as well as the comb and wattles are so small. But then I noticed the pointy saddle feathers. Comb development is very tricky, but pointed saddle feathers rarely lie...
Thanks for the info ashante! Mine are 17 weeks today, so I'm pretty sure I am safe that mine are all really pullets!
Looking forward to eggs very soon, I hope!

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