Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

I just put myself on Ideal's waiting list for Gold Brabanters -- ordering 15 pullets and 10 cockerels. I'm ordering the same number of La Fleche. Had an idea -- because I'm a firm believer in building the barn first and THEN painting it, and because I want good homestead birds as well as pretty to look at -- that since the La Fleche have the V comb, and are larger and more of a dual-purpose breed, that they might make a good cross to get some vigor and size back into the Brabanters. I considered other crosses, including Hamburgs, but thankfully someone posted the results of that cross a number of pages back (really messed up the comb)! So, we'll see what happens. I sure hope that Ideal doesn't try to ship my chicks until at least March, though -- our winters are too cold for that!

Now going to see if I can get onto the Brabanters Facebook page. I dropped my Facebook membership about three years ago....

Hello, I've been breeding brabanters for a couple of years now. I have tried to breed for a forward crest and the beards. I don't prefer the wattled birds so I try not to breed those. I have always called them my "Abe Lincoln" birds because of their dark beards. I have a couple of males I'd like to sell if anyone is interested. I don't have any pullets.
Can anyone post a picture of a cream brabanter's eggs, especially if you have a hatchery cream brabanter? Or, if you have a hatchery cream brabanter, can you confirm that the egg color you get is genuinely white and not tinted? I would be much obliged.
Yes, their eggs are genuinely white, and of decent size. I don't have anybody here laying at the moment, but I've had both hatchery and extremely well-bred Cream Brabanters, and the eggs are bright white.

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