Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!


Love 'em..... Dang! Now I may just have to get another breed to add to my collection - they are beautiful~

Thanks! I REALLY love them so far also. I just sold off my Bantam flock today to free up a coop and run for the Spitzhauben. I took new pics of them this morn, I will post them shortly.
Those are some great chicken expressions that you captured! :D

And don't get bummed about them not being to standard. It is VERY difficult, as in close to impossible, to find Spitzhauben that are close to standard. They are definitely a breed that is a work in progress.
Ok I'm totally new to chickens and this website. I have 5 appenzellar hens and 1 roo, 2 brahma, 6 Rhode Island reds and 1 Cornish chicken. I know the ages of all my birds except my appenzellars. They re supposed to be 11 months and laying eggs but nothing. They have been at our place 1 week now going on 2. We have been feeding grower feed, bc my other babies are only 11 wks old, and some alfalfa hay scraps. Have placed fake eggs in nesting boxes and everything. Nothin. Maybe they re younger than what I was told? I have no idea. Help me if you can. I'll post pics.

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