Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

Can you give me a couple good ones? I'm in Southeast Texas by Galveston Island. After several bad eggs I'd prefer to by chicks if possible but eggs from a reputable breeder are just as good.
Try marquisella on here(BYC) she has them and has a solid reputation
If you like Brabanters get them. They are good white egg layers and you can always sell laying hens. As you can tell from trying to get some they are hard to find which makes them a rare breed and people will pay more for a rare breed. Good luck!
I would say you have to be careful who you buy eggs from. I got my Appenzeller chick from a guy who buys hatching eggs off eBay. He was telling me a story about someone selling hatching eggs there, and when questioned about what her rooster looked like, the seller responded "I don't have any roosters". ?!?!?
They are certainly not a "popular" breed, however, that might be what makes them so desirable to people. I hatched my first Brabs on March 21st. At two weeks old I decided to sell the ones that came out beardless or with other less desirable traits. I also had half brabanter/ameraucana and half-brabanter/buttercups that hatched.

I posted a listing on Craigslist and on VarageSale and I had ten sold in 2 days. People on VarageSale were inquiring as to when I would have more available, so now I'm collecting for incubation.

I had no intention on selling babies but now I've changed my mind. I live in the country so I'm sure it depends heavily on location.

You may want to try hatching a batch and see what kind of response you get.
Thanks for the response...I think I will have to give your idea a go..I think I have found someone with good Brabanters at a very good price, so why not..I like their crazy lil mohawks..just hope they make $$ :) What state are you in, if you don't mind me asking?

I believe she is developing a much more proportionate beard now and her feathers a top her head have slowed growth. Although not very cooperative for pics today, she is developing gold intermixed with with the black on the head feathers. I hope she continues to improve. Regardless, a great and very friendly temperment!
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I would say you have to be careful who you buy eggs from. I got my Appenzeller chick from a guy who buys hatching eggs off eBay. He was telling me a story about someone selling hatching eggs there, and when questioned about what her rooster looked like, the seller responded "I don't have any roosters". ?!?!?

Thanks for the response...I think I will have to give your idea a go..I think I have found someone with good Brabanters at a very good price, so why not..I like their crazy lil mohawks..just hope they make $$ :) What state are you in, if you don't mind me asking?
I'm in California- between Sacramento and Lake Tahoe
I'm new to BC as a member although I've been reading their helpful info for a while here and there online. I fell in love with the Brabanters and Apenzeller S's first sight. Has anyone had problems with breeders? I can't seem to get anything but infertile eggs. I'm also 99% sure that the Brabanter breeder and the Spitz breeder are the same people. The eggs appearance,and the markings written on the eggs were identical and neither of the eggs were fertile. These breeders also apparently have addresses that are probably minutes apart. I feel like I may have been duped twice with useless eggs.

I wouldn't trust eBay for eggs. I've heard too many stories....

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