Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

Yes, that's a cream brabanter roo. Ideally he should have much smaller and/or hidden wattles, but big wattles seem to be a common problem in the breed!
So I have to wonder, on these ones with the small wattles that can still be seen, maybe it is not the wattles that are the problem but the fact that the beard is not good enough to cover them.
Here are some pictures of my first Brabanters from Ideal. From this rooster and four hens, I culled and kept only two more hens. My rooster is not the best so I am hoping to breed a better one to replace him. He has a good crest, size, stance and color, but his comb has multiple sprigs and he has some white feathers that showed up after his first heavy molt.




The hens are better than the rooster, but all their tail feathers are muddy.




This is the only pullet I kept this year out of seven chicks. She hatched with a blue/wheaten Ameraucana/EE pullet and cockrell and they are still together.


I have a long way to go with my gold Brabanters, but it is a start.
Lovely! At least the Ideal roo is a little better with the beard than the one that Blackbird has. Muddy feathers has to be worked on, thats for sure. In a few generations you can hope to weed it out by selecting beards to cover the wattles and better feather patterns. Yes like Carla mentioned, we got a ways to go. I love the color of Carla's Goldens and they are deeper gold. Just beautiful!

I love the hens!

I think you might end up getting alot of roos from Ideal, raise them up and cull out the undesirable ones. I think Amazondoc mentioned about getting alot of roos from Ideal. You guys would have a lot to eat LOL!

As for the feather patterns, spangled, lacing or crescents are desirable or could it be bred out for another trait?
Thank you.
Out of the seven I hatched this year, four were roos - two had no crests what so ever, and the other two were not as good as Buster. Of the three hens - two had Polish crests, so I ended up with just the one hen.

The European standard calls for half moon spangles. I would try to breed out any lacing.
I am trying to post some pictures of my Spitzhaubens, but Photo Bucket is not co-operating with the download. It may have to wait until tomorrow.
This was probably the worst quality Spitzhauben on here(was sold to a friend as a Spitz but I'm leaning more toward Polish or mix), but he was such a sweetheart


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