Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

Yeah, my brabanters are laying -- and one is trying to go broody, even though they're supposedly a non-broody breed. Unfortunately, the girls are in a mixed flock right now. I GOTTA get those pens built!
My spitzhauben have laid all winter, unfortunately their type is very poor and I still don't have a roo or more eggs.
With one roo and four hens I usually get 3 or 4 eggs a day of good size. All are very gentle and LOVE to be up high. When I turn them out to free range they have to be in the thick of what I am doing or at the top of the hay and will do a fly by

I would like a few more hens but they seem to be hard to come by. I don't really want to buy them by the dozen from a hatchery so I will just see if I am lucky enough to get some to hatch from my own birds. They are a mixed group, some form TX and some from WA here.
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I had to order straight run and I am getting them in the second week in March. I will keep you posted though. I always grow something new in the garden each year, now I will have to try a new breed of chickens each year too
So far today one Brabanter chick hatched
very cute and oh so tiny! The hen is still sitting on 3 other eggs, they are dated 1-28 & 1-31 so I have no idea if this little one is the lone hatch..will give her sometime and check again. As the hen is in the hen house I try to just leave her be in her snug corner away from the others.

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