Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

They are on the small size for large fowl, but they hold their own in my mixed flock. Here's a picture of one with a Speckled Sussex for reference. They continue to be good layers (except the broody). They lay some of the largest eggs of my flock. Here's a picture of some of my eggs. They are my only white egg layers. One is particularly people-friendly. The others are average (all of my chickens come running when they hear the backdoor open & let the kids chase them around & try to pick them up). They are definitely crowd-pleasers. Everyone who comes over likes their looks.


They are from Ideal. I got them last year, when their site also said they were sold out. If you only want a few chicks, they are likely to have extra at some point during the summer. I got an email a week or 2 after I put myself on the "contact me" list. 2 of the 4 I got have crests that look more Polish than Brabanter, but they still make cute backyard chicks.
Mine were never crazy or very flighty like Leghorns. They are curious birds and would come to you for treats.

Ideal is out of those breeds until further notice. Bummer! Good thing they ARE popular!
Darn. I knew I should've gotten one to go with my Spitz...

I can't wait until the day I have room for breeder pens... because I'm going to have spitz and most likely the bants too.
I knew I wasn't getting enough white eggs the past few days, even taking into account 1 broody Brabanter. I found a cache of 5 eggs waaaaaay up in the blackberry bush where the rabbits live. They were all good (it hasn't been too warm here), but I cracked 3 in the process of getting them out:


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