Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

I'm trying to decide what to do with one of my pullets. She has the best crest and spangling of all my Brabanters (6), but no beard. Do I keep her or not? What would you advise? My knowledge of chicken genetics is limited.

Maybe i should just put her in with the Spitz.
I would keep her, breed her, seperate her, and see what comes out of her eggs. An occassional throwback with missing parts is not unusual. Generally, our goal is to cull those immediately. But the stock we have available is limited. She might carry a beard gene, and with a bearded mate, produce 3/4ths offspring with beards. If you don't have many to work with, you might give it a try.
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I was wondering....has anyone else experienced hens that crow? I have a pretty, young bird that lays beautiful white teardrop eggs on a regular basis. Then out of no where she spent the day crowing! I thought this was odd, especially since my friend who has a a young Brabanter as well, reported this very same behavior just a few month ago. Her girls also continues to lay regularly. Thoughts??
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Interesting. How many Brabanters do you have?

When the crowing occured, I had about 15 hens and 2 roosters. I'm way down from that now.

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