Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

I'd take the male and breed it to the bearded females. See what hatches and pick the best male(s) and breed them back to their mothers again. That is what I would do with them anyway.
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thanks is from the way it sounds it will take some work and time. went back to the first page and read what ewe sheep wrote and amazondoc wrote and it sounds like it won't be easy thanks for the help.
I have a question for those of you who have Spitzhaubens and Brabaneters. This is going to sound like a dumb question, but here goes. I know they both lay white eggs. Are they identical or can you tell which is which?
thanks is from the way it sounds it will take some work and time. went back to the first page and read what ewe sheep wrote and amazondoc wrote and it sounds like it won't be easy thanks for the help.

Yes, it will take some work on improving them. There are breeders that might be a step or two better than us but most of us started off with the hatchery stock and cull hard by choosing the BEST ones to work with and order as many as you can.
It is never a dumb question. A dumb question is the one you never ask!

I could not tell which is which but there is a line that has a "velvet look" in the eggs which it came from a Spitzhauben breeder. It just got a different feel about it.
Definitely. Nothing worse that when folks run the two colors together.....we never get close to anything resembling a standard.
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As I said, the rooster has good color. You may end up ith some real nice birds. My most perfect Brabanter came from a perfect rooster with a hen with too big a crest (more Polish-y) and a yellowy coloring instead of cream. Since everything originally came from Ideal, we have to work with what we've got....unless someone has the money and time to import some!
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