Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

Thank you for the input. I had selected #1 & 2 as my "keepers" but over the last couple of weeks, #2 has developed that awful slick back look so I started re-evaluating my "culls"... hate that word... and decided to post some pictures on BYC.
I am keeping most of my pullets until their first molt. I did re-home two pullets that were very crest back and flamboyant with one of the cockerels as part of a laying flock. But everything I got this spring is still here, except those three. I'll probably be selecting hard again next spring re. which to incubate eggs from. I don't have enough familiarity with Spitz to judge how they will develop in the next 3-4 months. So thank you for your help. It seems as if they are a slow maturing breed, are they?
My Brabanter rooster just started crowing. He sounds a bit like a goose that's being strangled at the moment and isn't very loud yet. The roosters are my favorites as far as looks go. It's a shame that so many residential areas don't want them around. Just 1 rooster generally doesn't make that much noise.
We got our first white egg, probably from Lulu, the beardless Brabanter. It's tiny of course, but they'll get bigger. The Brabanters are six months old. It's about time they started laying.
Can someone tell me about how long it takes Spitzhaubens to start laying? I have one hatchery female that is about 20 weeks old and getting redder in the face all the time

This is my Harley girl

Hooray! Not too much longer then I hope.
I would love to find some eggs to hatch. She is my favorite bird.. I just love her personality. Please message me if you have some eggs I can purchase and hatch!
My Spitzhaubens (and mostly all of my other breeds) have quit laying for the season - too many 100° days this summer, molting, and shorter days of daylight.

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