Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

Spitzhaubens go through several molts on their crest before they get their adult one, which may be more than a year later.....these did not show much promise as youngsters but have improved much after each mini-molt............................................................chrisf
That's good to know.......and bad to know. It means have to hold on to them longer before I decide which ones to get rid of.
chrisf wrote:
If there are no black hens, breed black to a really good quality silver hen(Carla's) and you will have black offspring to work with...............................................................................chrisf

Would love to try. Just need some black eggs... Hint, hint...

chrisf wrote:
Spitzhaubens go through several molts on their crest before they get their adult one, which may be more than a year later.....these did not show much promise as youngsters but have improved much after each mini-molt............................................................

So true.
Mine are going through that awkward, gangly teenage stage and no telling what they will eventually look like.

It looks like my 3 cockerels, 6 pullets is going to be 5 and 4 instead. @#$%​
The thought of black x spangle crosses...would it create some "smuttiness" in tail feathers, that we see often between the tail head to spangle at tip of feather? Or would it make better spangles?

Recessive or dominant..the black color?
You told me that a while ago, so... I have 4 cockerels and 7 pullets that I'm hanging on to till next fall's big molt... well, I can't really keep all the cockerels but so far I still have them all and plan to keep the best two, at least.The cockerels keep getting better. The pullets... well I'm hoping but... so far their crests are pretty horrific! They are only 4 months old.
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