Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

Darn. You know what that means? You'll have to find a couple of chicks to keep it company. Chicken math at work.

I Have 3 chicks that hatched lat week it could have gone with. but the egg didnt hatch. opened it and the chick was deformed. one leg was backwards and its beak was turned down. and it was missing an eye. i dont know if it was bad genetics or incubation. but all my other eggs are hatching great so idk what happend. this sux i really wanted a brabanter
Darn. You know what that means? You'll have to find a couple of chicks to keep it company. Chicken math at work.

I Have 3 chicks that hatched lat week it could have gone with. but the egg didnt hatch. opened it and the chick was deformed. one leg was backwards and its beak was turned down. and it was missing an eye. i dont know if it was bad genetics or incubation. but all my other eggs are hatching great so idk what happend. this sux i really wanted a brabanter

I'm sorry you didn't get any brabanters. Are brabanters harder to hatch than other breeds? Worries about getting eggs to hatch was one reason I decided to just order chicks.
My Ap Spitz FINALLY squatted for me today!! WOOT WOOT!! She is nearly 6 months old (hatched Mid May). We did have a bout of dry pox here a couple of weeks ago so I am sure that slowed her a bit. Can't wait to get my first eggs from her
chrisf wrote:
Another especially good website with amazing pictures of different color Spitzhaubens......a fine example of a gold hen in "Summer 2011."............. .............................................................chrisf

I LOVE Manuela Silvestro's Spitzhaubens. She started out with just silver and black.

If I could go anyplace in the world it would be to visit her farm !​
I LOVE Manuela Silvestro's Spitzhaubens. She started out with just silver and black.

If I could go anyplace in the world it would be to visit her farm !

If anyone can pack all of us in a self sufficent box all the way to her farm, we can do it LOL!
I LOVE Manuela Silvestro's Spitzhaubens. She started out with just silver and black.

If I could go anyplace in the world it would be to visit her farm !

If anyone can pack all of us in a self sufficent box all the way to her farm, we can do it LOL!

Only if I can bring something back!........................................................................chrisf
I've ordered Ideal Hatchery Spitzhaubens and they are beautiful. You will have to CULL hard to get the best out of the flock to get some nicer ones. If you can look at the thread pictures, you can see which will suit your needs.

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