Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

really i dont have a clue about this breed but if u have the book called the American standard of perfection look them up in that. thats all the help i can give
Good news:

Spitzen-peepers arrived yesterday!

Bad news:

1 was dead on arrival & 4 more died in the next 12 hours.

Most of the rest (7 of 12) all seem pretty energetic, one still doesn't seem to peppy.

I followed Ideal's sugar recommendation & it the sugar water gave them all funky hairstyles.

Here are some preliminary picts, Let me know what you think.

I don't know what the markings mean as far as how they develop. I have one male (left out of 2) and six pullets (left out of 10).

I've left Ideal several emails and a voice mail, we'll see what they say come Monday. I used Ideal from what I've read in this thread.

I'm not really looking for show birds - Just that really cool App Spitz look and from what I read great personality!

Thanks for the great into folks!

just to let u know the chances of getting show birds from hatcheries is low but as far as the color thing could it just be there crest starting to develop
just to let u know the chances of getting show birds from hatcheries is low but as far as the color thing could it just be there crest starting to develop

Thanks Sager. I knew that when I placed the order. That's why I'm not really worried about show quality, just pet quality.

Sure wish the survival rate was higher though...
I love baby chicks, i have found in my own personel use, that Pedilyte works much better for me, than the sugar water, Just like in people sugar water gives you that high then the crash, the pedilyte is more balanced and my chicks seem to like it too. I hatch mostly silkies, we are getting in to marans, & I puchased i first Spitzhaubens today!
Texas to Arizona.

Shipped Wednesday, arrived Friday.

7 of 12 made it. the Welsummers, gold sex links and ideal 238's all made it just fine.

It was the App Spitz's who did not fare well.
That's what I'm telling myself. It was their first hatch of the year & the ones that died were all noticeably smaller than the rest. Still have one small one left - that one seems to be not as peppy as the others. We'll see what happens.
Ok i ot this geogeous Spitzhauben pair today, could not turn this down, I have silkies but they were so tempting! its dark and cold out, so will post better pictures in am

So thoughts anyone?

From what is shown, they look good, can you post better pictures?.... you are very fortunate to get a pair........................................chrisf

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