Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

Way to go Chris!
Here are pics of my Cackle hatchery girl... other than her awful crest how does she look? I don't much care but I'm curious if she could be used in a start up breeding program since I can't seem to get my hands on others :)

looks more like a polish but im sure if u breed her to another spitz u will get some chicks with the forward crest and cull all the bad ones

Yeah that's what I was thinking.. I know someone that has a male with a nice proper looking crest. Was hoping that might be an easy fix for improvement. I am not familiar with SOP but would like to try to get some chicks that are closer to that. I like their "mohawks" better than the "poofs". Is there anything else really poor about her visually?
Hopefully, shipping has thinned out the weaklings. One doesn't want or need weaklings in one's flock. I know that sounds crass (and in practice I held have held weak chicks to my heart until they warmed up, and dropped water in their beaks until they perked up), but it's true.

Too bad you only have one male and can't choose who to breed.

I do agree with the concept, but it was tough.

Ideal is making good on the dead ones & I should have 2 roos as originally planned.

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