Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

To all the wonderful spitzhauben folks, I have just launched a new website for the Appenzeller Spitzhauben......with the help of Carla Allen and Robin R. Paceley-Geiger, we have made this your one-stop shop for all things Spitzhauben. I am asking anyone who would like to have photos of their spitzhaubens displayed to please submit to the contact info at the site, and they will be displayed with your own album............ thank you one and all..............................................all the best.................................................................................chrisf
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I love the website!

I may include a roo that was on this BYC Spitzhauben breed site. I don't know how many I have in my archives.

Great going, Chris!
I finally saw Blondie, my Brabanter cockerel, breed Ramona, my bearded Spitz pullet. I was beginning to think she was going to be an old maid. I'm glad she's just a late bloomer. Now, to put food coloring up her rear, so I know which eggs are her's.
Of course you do!!!!

I wish I could have seen the pictures of them.

There is a pair of Brabanters available locally Do I want them?

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