Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

deedee, mine are 13 ours are at about the same point. I bought 7 and ended up with all roos except one! Now I need to find a couple hens and select which roo I will keep.
Well I think that I have 2 roos. . . .only because I have heard them LOL. . . not sure how to tell other wise.

I have 7 roos in total..2 of them are at least 21 weeks and NOBODY has ever crowed or even attempted to.

I am learning that the wattles, and saddle feathers tell a lot...but you have to wait so long to see that. I thought I had 2 pullets because one of them hardly has any wattles compared to the others..however I was looking so hard bat wattles I neglected to see the saddle feathers.
From what I have read that they will start laying at 16-20 weeks. . . .is this correct? One of my roos that I heard grow has really pretty teal almost in color saddle feathers starting. I am hoping that this is what color they are suppose to be. The other one I have not noticed a difference in the saddle feathers as of yet. 4 weeks and crowing. . . wow.
Most chickens begin laying 20-24 weeks. 16 weeks is pretty early, but not unheard of. I'm not sure specifically for Spitzhaubens.
My 21 week old Roo has been mounting some of the girls..but still no crowing.

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