Brabanters and Spitzhaubens--The Differences PIC HEAVY!

I just got 15 Spitz eggs in the mail today! I am not expecting much, if anything...but I just had to try! I'm so excited. I was on my way out the door so I didn't have time to candle them.
Isn't it too soon to candle them?

Where did they come from?
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If you have a broody, you can give them to her and let her hatch them. I try to set all my shipped eggs under a broody they know what to do. I just hatched out 12 out of 14 shipped eggs, well the hen did. Spitz make good mothers. I've had 7 girls hatching my shipped and d'Uccle eggs this summer. The only one that had a bad hatch rate, was the young Marans with pullet eggs, she still hatch 6 out of 14 eggs. I don't even check the air cells any more the hens know what to do.
If you have a broody, you can give them to her and let her hatch them. I try to set all my shipped eggs under a broody they know what to do. I just hatched out 12 out of 14 shipped eggs, well the hen did. Spitz make good mothers. I've had 7 girls hatching my shipped and d'Uccle eggs this summer. The only one that had a bad hatch rate, was the young Marans with pullet eggs, she still hatch 6 out of 14 eggs. I don't even check the air cells any more the hens know what to do.
My Spitz that went broody was a good brooder, but a bad mother. She ignored the hatched chicks and just kept brooding. I had to take the chicks away after they hatched.
I don't have a Spitz hen laying yet...I only have one Spitz hen! BUT...I did notice that my Orpington hen is not wanting to leave the nest. Maybe I should put a couple fake eggs out and see if she stays.
I don't have a Spitz hen laying yet...I only have one Spitz hen! BUT...I did notice that my Orpington hen is not wanting to leave the nest. Maybe I should put a couple fake eggs out and see if she stays.
Yes do it. Here is something to tease you with
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