Brackish comb, fearful Serama rooster

I’m wanting to bump this thread. I’m still wondering if there could be any help for him. He is still doing ok. He just gets winded easily and his comb is still an awful color. I’d say his condition is the same. He’s eating and pooping fine, no other symptoms. If there is something that could be done for him I’d really like to try and help him. Ive searched for an avian vet near me and I’ll be calling, but I wonder if anyone here knows if anything that would cause this and what might help?
Hi u just saw your post and i would love to recommend u a herb which a cardioherb maybe help u out known as
terminalia arjuna is tree bark powder used as a cardioprotective herb Poultry farms use this to combat the stress and SDH in broilers . This herbs targets the heart it's the natural Blood Thinner clear downs the arteries and clogged veins or valves in heart it's an miraculous herb for both human and birds it has no side effects u can try giving this a small.pinch in a glass of water and let him drink 2-3 sips and see any improvement it also control the blood pressure and Antioxidants that provides oxygen to the heart you can get it maybe on Amazon or any other online website just make sure the cap or tab only contains Arjuna in as ingredient.nothing else

Your rooster is facing just a stress and slight high blood pressure from his fight which affect his comb not a heart issue . If it's a heart issue he must be dead the next day .
The comb is only connect with thermostat , hormones it work as calming the body and blood temprature the easy to understand the fictional character of COMB

When there's surge of testosterone rise the comb gets dark and back to normal once the rooster settles also stress cause the same your rooster is under fear

Keep us updated
Hi u just saw your post and i would love to recommend u a herb which a cardioherb maybe help u out known as
terminalia arjuna is tree bark powder used as a cardioprotective herb Poultry farms use this to combat the stress and SDH in broilers . This herbs targets the heart it's the natural Blood Thinner clear downs the arteries and clogged veins or valves in heart it's an miraculous herb for both human and birds it has no side effects u can try giving this a small.pinch in a glass of water and let him drink 2-3 sips and see any improvement it also control the blood pressure and Antioxidants that provides oxygen to the heart you can get it maybe on Amazon or any other online website just make sure the cap or tab only contains Arjuna in as ingredient.nothing else

Your rooster is facing just a stress and slight high blood pressure from his fight which affect his comb not a heart issue . If it's a heart issue he must be dead the next day .
The comb is only connect with thermostat , hormones it work as calming the body and blood temprature the easy to understand the fictional character of COMB

When there's surge of testosterone rise the comb gets dark and back to normal once the rooster settles also stress cause the same your rooster is under fear

Keep us updated
Saaniya, thank you for the recommendation for the herb! I will definitely look into that and do some research. I recognize the name Arjuna. Was it named after the god Arjuna?

I do think it’s some form of stress. He’s actually doing better now- less brackish/blackish red color of the comb. I’ve been giving him his own place and next to the hens so that he can not be lonely but not be stressed, practice showing off and getting accustomed to the ladies again. I’ve also been spending time with him, handling him gently so he knows by now i’m not going to hurt him. His comb does still go dark when stressed.

Thank you again for the information! Super excited to research that! I will keep you posted.
Why is he holding his wing like that? It's an aggression display. Maybe he has PTSD.
He’s a serama, a mini bantam. They do that with their wings-point them to the ground. He doesn’t have the full serama stance with the chest out and head back and tail straight up. He wasn’t posing in this pic, but then again, I don’t think he’s ever done the full stance like some others I have. He wasn’t at all aggressive when I took the photo. Just kind of standing there. He might have even had droopy wings when I took that pic because it had not been too long before that he got beaten up. He might have still been weak. He’s doing great now. (But still blackish comb when stressed.)
Saaniya, thank you for the recommendation for the herb! I will definitely look into that and do some research. I recognize the name Arjuna. Was it named after the god Arjuna?

I do think it’s some form of stress. He’s actually doing better now- less brackish/blackish red color of the comb. I’ve been giving him his own place and next to the hens so that he can not be lonely but not be stressed, practice showing off and getting accustomed to the ladies again. I’ve also been spending time with him, handling him gently so he knows by now i’m not going to hurt him. His comb does still go dark when stressed.

Thank you again for the information! Super excited to research that! I will keep you posted.

Oh wow I'm so happy to hear him doing well yes it's the tree name on the god its mostly used in heart issues . So as indian gooseberry also used in pulmonary artery problems and circulation issues .

I think personally their comb changes color when their heart rate increases with stress if he's still alive and recovering I don't think it's heart maybe surge of testosterone .

So glad to hear about him 😌🦋🦋
For about Arjuna is a very safe side cardiotonic it's just like any fancy heart & blood pressure drug . It mode of action is work towards the circulation and clear the block arteries also good for irregular heartbeat and AFIB , Enlarge Heart .
A small proportion given every week can help a bird regaining the heart strength .
Herbs never harm .
Do reduced some calcium in your chook diet because excessive calcium cause the plaque bulid up in the heart
For about Arjuna is a very safe side cardiotonic it's just like any fancy heart & blood pressure drug . It mode of action is work towards the circulation and clear the block arteries also good for irregular heartbeat and AFIB , Enlarge Heart .
A small proportion given every week can help a bird regaining the heart strength .
Herbs never harm .
Do reduced some calcium in your chook diet because excessive calcium cause the plaque bulid up in the heart
Good point about the calcium. There is calcium added to some of the feed I give (it’s a mix) although it’s hard to find feeds suited for roosters only without that added calcium.
Excellent info! I am very curious about herbal uses with chickens. I do see I can order Arjuna herb online. I had been thinking of giving him some herb I found locally- supposed to help with heart issues as well (I forget the name, starts with H) but I couldn’t find any information about its use in chickens so I didn’t want to try it. I feel relieved the Arjuna you spoke of is used in broiler chickens. That makes a lot of sense to use it for them since they are heart attack prone.
I’m currently trying to find a suitable stethoscope to listen to my chickens heart. It could be it’s just a surge of testosterone. I’ll have to do a bit more looking into the matter.
I really appreciate the info on Arjuna!! Good stuff to know! Thank you!🙏🏻❤️
Good point about the calcium. There is calcium added to some of the feed I give (it’s a mix) although it’s hard to find feeds suited for roosters only without that added calcium.
Excellent info! I am very curious about herbal uses with chickens. I do see I can order Arjuna herb online. I had been thinking of giving him some herb I found locally- supposed to help with heart issues as well (I forget the name, starts with H) but I couldn’t find any information about its use in chickens so I didn’t want to try it. I feel relieved the Arjuna you spoke of is used in broiler chickens. That makes a lot of sense to use it for them since they are heart attack prone.
I’m currently trying to find a suitable stethoscope to listen to my chickens heart. It could be it’s just a surge of testosterone. I’ll have to do a bit more looking into the matter.
I really appreciate the info on Arjuna!! Good stuff to know! Thank you!🙏🏻❤️
All flock, flock raiser, and grower feed are all types that can be fed to adult roosters (and hens) and lack the extra calcium. I feed my hens flock raiser with oyster shell on the side.
Good point about the calcium. There is calcium added to some of the feed I give (it’s a mix) although it’s hard to find feeds suited for roosters only without that added calcium.
Excellent info! I am very curious about herbal uses with chickens. I do see I can order Arjuna herb online. I had been thinking of giving him some herb I found locally- supposed to help with heart issues as well (I forget the name, starts with H) but I couldn’t find any information about its use in chickens so I didn’t want to try it. I feel relieved the Arjuna you spoke of is used in broiler chickens. That makes a lot of sense to use it for them since they are heart attack prone.
I’m currently trying to find a suitable stethoscope to listen to my chickens heart. It could be it’s just a surge of testosterone. I’ll have to do a bit more looking into the matter.
I really appreciate the info on Arjuna!! Good stuff to know! Thank you!🙏🏻❤️

Anytime ..yes Arjuna is being used in farms of Kerala (india) as a additional feed affective to prevent the heart issue + it's also treat Ecoli and salmonella . .

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