Braggs Mountain Buffs


11 Years
Feb 12, 2008
Abbeville, LA
I have 25 Braggs Mountain Buffs on order. These chics are outrageously priced in my opinion but curiosity is getting the best of me. The worst that could happen is I could just take a big lost. I am hoping I will learn something about this breed so I can share this with others. I raise a lot of poultry and this is the prime time for me to be handling these chics since everything is set up. I promise to share the outcome with y'all. This farm I purchased them from had very little information which scares me. I have talked to a few people who have purchased them from there and they claim the chickens are awesome. We will see. Hope everyone has a nice day.
Good luck. I can't wait to see them. I don't think they are an actual breed, but a cross produced to make good egg layers and meat birds. I've never seen one though, so can't say for sure. I just got that feeling by reading their web site.
It'll be interesting to finally have someone raising them to compare them with the good BO's some are rearing here.

Inquiring minds want to know... so I'll plead for lots of photos and chick wts if you can do them.

Good luck, I hope they are everything claimed.
I just read about this company in a magazine entitled "Chickens" ( It's a one time publication, printed in 2007, from a company that puts out another bi-monthly magazine entitled, "Hobby Farms Magazine" (

Anyway, the company Braggs Mountain Buffs was listed in there as one of several online hatcheries. I don't know if that lends any more credibility, though.

I agree. The chicks looked quite expensive. But, that hybrid breed sounded interesting. For roughly $135 I think it's worth the risk. Let us know how they do!
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