Brahma Hen Not the Same After Found Hanging Upside Down This Summer


7 Years
Oct 17, 2012
While roosting on the top of our feeder last summer, my hen got her foot caught and I found her hanging upside down. I kept her at my house for 6 weeks so that she had plenty of time to heal her injured foot and be pampered. It seems that she changed after that experience - she is not longer as peppy and alert. Anyhow, recently I notice that she is dragging and that her face looked puffy.When I examined her, she had some poop under her tail. When I put her back down, she was unable to stand up for about ten minutes. I also notice that her breathing was labored. I wonder if there was some brain damage last summer or maybe this is a new problem all together, Any advice would be much appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
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I've heard that chickens can't breathe upside down, although I'm not 100% sure that's true (anyone know if that's a myth or not?). If that is true, maybe it did do some sort of damage? I'm afraid I can't offer a solution :/ Hopefully someone else who knows more than maybe a reason for this will come along.

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