Brahma hens ? when are they mature enough to lay?

Yes I too was thinking it might be a little late due to possible moult and the shortening day length. I didn't know till recently that a hen moulted before it began to lay. One of mine is finished and the other started about 3 weeks ago. I only have two in the coop. I wonder if moving them and then the fact they got ?cocci and I had to treat them is prolonging it some. I have been feeding some yogurt but they really only take a bit now and then. They rather have the fresh greens I have planted next to their yard to eat and occasional bread bits. I also gave them a bit of moist cat food which they thought was candy. WOW! they dived into that. I think when I intergrate my buff-o's into their little area they will be happier hens. More sisters. Two is not ideal.
We are going to have an early cold weather snap for us tonight. Down into the 20's. I hope they will be ok. I might fix them some oatmeal in the morning and give some scratch just before dark to give them some extra warmth. This is so early for this. Snow in the higher elevations mon night!
The almanac said it would be a hard winter. The fruit trees loaded down, the nuts too. All the wild stuff has their seeds and fruit too. The wooly worms are almost all black this year. We may be in for a doozy of a winter. Poor chicks and animals. Jean
OT - Glad you mentioned the wooly worms. I haven't been able to find one since I moved here from NC. However our pecan and black walnut tree are loaded. Forecasting a freeze this week. Wayyyy too early for us. Oh, my aching bones.
My Buff brahma is 7 1/2 months and still not laying. Her comb and wattles are just starting to mature. I finally decided that the eggs in the bator will lay before she gets around to it.

Oh and about the winter...we have already had our first foot and a half of snow. It came the first of October. It has melted already but I know that this winter will hit with a vengence. Kids are happy though. 10 feet of snow won't deter them.
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