Brahma questions

Thank you everyone for your feedback. I am not too concerned if they are slow to start laying. They will be part of my second flock and I am getting lots of eggs from my first flock. Based upon this information I am thinking I may put one light brahma on my list and either one buff or dark, depending upon what the local feed stores have available when I get my new chicks in April. Hopefully both won't be available
, I am not sure that I could pick one over the other... I could easily bring home one of each.

They are slower to mature. But mine lay just as good as my other layers. Big beautiful eggs. And they are sweet hearts. Only roosters I've owned that haven't been agressive at some point. If I could only have one breed, especially for meat and eggs, and not just for looks *coughs my silkies* Brahmas would be my first pick. Although SQ are much better than hatchery.

Oh! And they make wonderful broodies. Way better than Buff Orps.
My hatchery light brahma has been one of my best layers through the winter. I chose the breed because of winter laying. Her eggs aren't large (she's still 11 months old so hasn't gone through her 1st molt yet) She's very docile with me and my kids, but she's top chicken in the coop.

ETA: She also gave me her first egg at 21 weeks.
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