Brahma Roosters Dont Crow

Brahmas take much longer to mature and grow. They can still be growing at 18 months of age, they will crow and very loudly-big lungs!
So this is a normal thing for them not to crow yet?
I didnt realize they were even roos until i was browsing through photos, my bad. They are beautiful tho i must say!
Yes I guess I am complaining lol.
The coop is far away from my house so i wouldnt hear them much.
I almost bought a roo b/c i didnt think I had one ! HAHAHA
jokes on me

I would like them to crow a little. All i can hear is my ducks !

We have a mallard and 2 new Pekins . Full grown. My kids LOVE the pekins and they are bigger than our chickens!

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