Brahmas feet look bad- infection?


In the Brooder
Jun 6, 2020
My Brahma’s feet feathers get pulled out my other chickens unfortunately, so she’s left with stubby bare legs. Do you think the empty pin spots are infected? Her leg was bleeding a bit today so I put her in an epsom salt bath and put neosporin on them. Should I be wrapping them in something? To make things worse, her left foot has a small bumblefoot scab on it. ☹️ I think all 12 of my chickens have some stage of bumblefoot from my muddy run. Any tips on how to get them all treated without taking up my entire day?



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Put some Nu-Stock on her legs. It will not only heal her legs but will stop other birds from picking at her feathered legs/feet. Wear disposable gloves when applying it.
If the others are eating the feathers, that's an indication that they need more protein in their diet. Provide them with gamebird feed for one month and then wean them off the gamebird feed back to regular layer feed. It will also help with feather regrowth on the Brahma's legs.
As far as the small bumblefoot on the left foot goes, leave it alone unless there's swelling and redness.
Put sand in your pen and inside the coop. Regular sand or construction sand, it doesnt matter. You wont regret it.
Put some Nu-Stock on her legs. It will not only heal her legs but will stop other birds from picking at her feathered legs/feet. Wear disposable gloves when applying it.
If the others are eating the feathers, that's an indication that they need more protein in their diet. Provide them with gamebird feed for one month and then wean them off the gamebird feed back to regular layer feed. It will also help with feather regrowth on the Brahma's legs.
As far as the small bumblefoot on the left foot goes, leave it alone unless there's swelling and redness.
Put sand in your pen and inside the coop. Regular sand or construction sand, it doesnt matter. You wont regret it.
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THANK YOU! I just ordered the nu-stock. I have been bending over backwards looking for a sand that people claim has to be pure, washed, silica free, and coarse-- where do you get yours?
THANK YOU! I just ordered the nu-stock. I have been bending over backwards looking for a sand that people claim has to be pure, washed, silica free, and coarse-- where do you get yours?
Dont listen to misinformation about sand. I order a large dump truckload of sand each year. It comes from sand barrow pits in our area.
Here's some pics: I double or triple fold tarp over the pile of sand to keep it dry.
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