Brainstorming for next pen area


13 Years
Jan 6, 2011
Crunchy California
We currently have 7 girls in a tractor in our backyard, but we're also incubating some silkie and showgirl eggs. We'd like to utilize the side of our house that is not paved. The space is 6x30 and has a 6 foot fence. We need to install a drain this summer to redirect the downspout to the front yard to prevent flooding in this area. We've also been working on drainage by adding organic material this past year. I'd like to utilize the space as the best way possible, using the least funds possible since we're on a tight budget.

I'm thinking of a couple pens for separating the silkie colors. We are in a temperate area, so it doesn't usually get much below freezing and does not snow. The neighbors don't mind the birds since we keep them clean and they are quieter than the neighborhood dogs. Have any of you done something like this in their side yard? Do you have anything to recommend? It is much appreciated.
I have! Although we have an acre of property... I utilize 1/4 of an acre that runs along side my neighbors property with Arborvitae bushes for my coop run and paddock. The chickens love it due to the fact that their is plenty of room to range. I have five Orpingtons hens in there.
I also have purchased a trampoline for the grandkids and the hens go under it for shade. I have found as long as my neighbors do not hear,smell or see the chickens all is well. I am very respectful and clean the run area in the am and the pm not only for cleanliness but respect for neighbors. Give your chickens as much space as possible. I have had no problems w/disease, cannibalism or endless pecking.
They are happy gals.
Would a hoop house type of run work for you? You can see the one I did by clicking on the link in my siggy. It was easy to do and not too terribly pricy. Best of all it is completely covered. Good luck!
Yep - hoop houses or "regular" houses made from pvc would probably be ideal. We built an ark this past year and spent waaay too much on supplies for the space we got. This time we're thinking utility over looks.

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