Bread Texture question


14 Years
May 3, 2007
North Central MS
Most of the recipes for bread I have ever attempted to make turned out "heavy". I dont mind that heavy texture, but for sandwhiches my dh doesnt like it so much.... guess everyone's gotten used to store bought bread. Does anyone have a recipe for a "lighter" sandwhich type bread, or is the heaviness caused by somethign I'm doing wrong, or is all homemade bread heavy like that? Thanks

Wheat gluten aka vital wheat gluten aka gluten flour might be in the baking section of the grocery store, or you might have to go to a healthy/crunchy/natural type food store. It is often sold in bulk. Add something like 1-4 Tbsp per 2-3 lb bread recipe.

You're not going to be able to make homemade bread as light and 'marshmallowy' as typical commercial bread, though (that sort of 'wonder bread' texture). Especially not if you use whole wheat. If they don't like it, try reducing the % of whole wheat flour.

Also make sure you're not using too much water (even a difference of a Tbsp or two can make a difference), since that will make it denser and more, I dunno, like foam rubber sort of

Have fun,


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