Breaking a broody turkey! Also crop issue.


In the Brooder
Nov 10, 2016
North Carolina

Help, Tilly has been broody since March 3rd and I can tell it’s not healthy for her. She did this last year and lost a lot of weight and then slowly gained it back in the fall. She already hatched out babies back in April this year, then she immediately went broody again! If I separate her away from the flock and nesting boxes, she will literally just sit down and brood the ground.
Then this afternoon I just noticed when she got off of her nest she has developed a very enlarged and inflated feeling crop (not squishy and no odor like sour crop) and she is doing a head-bob motion like she’s adjusting her crop. I gave her some olive oil tonight and massaged her crop then locked her in my hospital ward with no food and with ACV in her water. So two questions: how in the heck do you stop a determined broody turkey, and what to do about her crop?

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