breathing issue, lack of eggs, introducing new chicks

Fen Free Range

6 Years
Jul 15, 2013

We have recently introduced 5 new hens and 2 ducks to out established flock (6). Unsure of timings but think the established hens slowed down laying at a similar time, is the normal? Also, two of the old hens have developed breathing issues, as I said not sure it's from when the new ones came but is a similar time, can this happen? What else may bring on respiratory issues? Only two hens are affected??

Any help would be greatly appreciated.....
Any stressor can cause a cessation in laying. So yes that would be normal with additions to the flock.

As far as respiratory diseases go, here is a link:
diagnosis charts at bottom

The most common thing I think, in backyard flocks, is mycoplasma gallisepticum (chronic respiratory disease) but you really can't tell what it is unless you get a necropsy (there is a mycoplasma blood test also) done - you would contact your state vet or county extension agent. For the blood test you would contact your vet.

Some people quarantine for a month before adding chickens to the flock. However, with MG it can pass quarantine since they may be asymptomatic carriers. MG can also pass from the hen to the chick via the egg.

There are other things too, like one lady on BYC thought her chickens had a respiratory disease and it turned out to be worms. So in order to know what is going on, a necropsy or blood test is very important.

For respiratory ailments, a lot of people put the chickens down. Others treat with medications. Medications will not cure CRD, but may alleviate symptoms for a time from my understanding.

To be sure, I have no idea what the specific problem is with your chickens. I hope this helps.

There are other things that can cause breathing issues, such as too much ammonia in the coop, mold (aspergillosis), bacteria/viruses, etc.

You may wish to list out the specifics of the breathing issues so others can offer more specific advice.
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Thank you for your help ChickensAreSweet. We have some antibiotics from the vets so will treat the birds with symptoms and keep an eye on them. I hope they get better.

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