Natalie Turner

In the Brooder
May 30, 2017
I have three chooks, Mother and her two babies, unsure of Mothers age but babies are 4 weeks (I think babies are both females - but could be wrong). Possibly Maran or Orbington Cross/Bantam. I got them 2 weeks ago from a private free range farm, The owner wasn't expecting them and so gave them away to me. When I got them they seemed healthy. Unsure of weight. They sleep in a sheltered coop and have a small area to free range during the day. I have seen mother chook sitting on them at night and some times in the day if its cold. We had a lot of rain a few weeks ago and the bottom half of their coop got quite wet (the top where they sleep was still dry, and they decided to stay inside most of the day).
The babies started sneezing about a week ago, but had no other symptoms. They were sneezing quite often (a few times a minute) and Mum would sneeze on occasion (maybe once an hour). Recently the babies breathing started to sound wheezy (could only hear it if you put them up to your ear) and now the smaller chick is open-beak breathing. She seems less playful today than usual - She still played when egged on by her sister.
Its winter at the moment, (can get to 0 celsius, at night, or 5-15 celsius during the day, so it's not hot.
There is no obvious signs of trauma, I've tried to see if theres anything stuck in her nostrils or throat with no success. No obvious discharge from nostrils or eyes. They are all still eating and drinking. They are on a medicated feed with the odd treat thrown in (feijoas, mandarins, grains).
Poop looks normal, have seen the odd cecal poop.
I'm hoping to get some diatomaceous powder for them and grapefruit seed extract to put in their water.
I read that it could be the bedding as they had pine shavings - I've removed those about 4 nights ago and they just have a towel as bedding at the moment to keep dust levels down.
I'm hoping to be able to treat myself as its a public holiday today and all the vets are closed - plus I'm not sure if any of them are avian vets.
Please Help!! i'm worried about the smaller chook.
Thanks in advance
To me it sounds like a common case of bronchitis. There is no cure but try offering a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or pedialyte per gallon of drinking water. Bronchitis symptoms are usually eyes and beak discharge, low egg production, and over all malaise. It's not life threatening so you should be fine. It'll be gone in 2-3 weeks no promblem.
I've just taken them to the vet as she was getting worse. He's prescribed all three chooks Enrotril. Fingers crossed it works!
To me it sounds like a common case of bronchitis. There is no cure but try offering a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or pedialyte per gallon of drinking water. Bronchitis symptoms are usually eyes and beak discharge, low egg production, and over all malaise. It's not life threatening so you should be fine. It'll be gone in 2-3 weeks no promblem.
Unfortunately she passed away this morning. At least now she's at peace.

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