Breed for these chicks??


9 Years
Jul 21, 2014
Grovetown, GA
Hello! We just got these 4 baby chicks from Tractor Supply today, and we are unsure of what breed they are... they were in an extremely crowded bin that said it contained Isa browns, Calico Princess' and Copper marans. The lady helping us told us that they just got the shipment of chicks today, and there were some sapphire gem chicks, but those had died. We were handed the two grey ones and the chick in the last picture as calico princess', but after looking up images online, we're thinking that the grey ones might be the sapphire gems, and that neither of them look like the calico princess chicks. The third chick in the picture was given to us as an Isa brown, but as you can see, it has a considerable amount of grey on it, and looks very similar to the fourth one, except more colorful, so we're skeptical. I don't know how well you can guess the breed before they feather out, but we'll take any of the advice we can get!! Thanks so much!
Chicks are always kind of tough because so many look alike until they start to feather. That said... if you can assume you only have those 4 breeds to contend with (which is questionable because Tractor Supply is notorious for having no idea what is in their bins!!!)

Sapphire Gem chicks are light gray with a dark head and light chin. You look to have one of these.

Copper Marans are nearly identical in look to the Sapphires but a little darker. I think you have one of these.

Honestly, both Isa Brown and Calico princess chicks don't look like the other two you have, but maybe it is your camera. They are usually more yellow. That said, if you only have the 4 breeds to pull from I'd say those are both Calicos.

I know that isn't too helpful, but I bet that is probably the conclusion you are coming up with too!
Oh! Sorry I forgot to mention this, but we did get two of the copper marans, and those are both definitely black as apposed to grey (like the two pictured) and both have feathers on their feet, while none of these four do
Oh! Sorry I forgot to mention this, but we did get two of the copper marans, and those are both definitely black as apposed to grey (like the two pictured) and both have feathers on their feet, while none of these four do

Having those as contrast, then yes again assuming you only have a Copper vs a Sapphire- I'd say those are Sapphires.

Those "yellow" ones though... you'll have to keep us posted on what they are. As soon as they have around 1" wing feathers we will be able to tell.
Hi everyone! Here's an update on our chicks, I'm thinking the first and second might possibly be some sort of easter egger? The third is one of the ones that we think are sapphire gem chicks, both of which look the same. Also, the two black ones are definitely copper marans. Love to hear what you all think :D
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