Breed, gender and/or color on three 7 week old bantams from Ideal.


11 Years
Mar 23, 2009
I thought was a buff cochin, but now I'm guessing white cochin???








White Cochin. As for the other two maybe some strange colors of Old English Game Bantams, Ideal has quite a few. The one looks self-blue, but does it have any white? The cochin is a pullet. The bluish one looks like a pullet, but if anyone swaps sides it would be that one. The third one is a female, no rooster would color out like that. Plus, her body shape is perfect for a girl.
Can you explain what about the coloring of #3 makes it a pullet?
I thought for sure roo with that red comb. I figured we would have to
get rid of him/her and he/she sure is sweet.
oo I have 43 bantams from Ideal in my brooder, 11 days old and 5 days old..I wonder what they will look like when they get to 7 weeks. You are right with the first one, white Cochin pullet...2nd is a porcelain or pearl Old English roo...last is a lemon blue Old English roo.
A rooster would have a black chest, he would also have a blacker and shinny curved tail. Chances are at this stage it would be crowing (My OEGB boys started crowing at four weeks), and showing hackle feathers/saddle feathers. Body shape is also that of a pullet. Her comb is a bit larger, her body is maturing.
A rooster would have a black chest, he would also have a blacker and shinny curved tail. Chances are at this stage it would be crowing (My OEGB boys started crowing at four weeks), and showing hackle feathers/saddle feathers. Body shape is also that of a pullet. Her comb is a bit larger, her body is maturing.

But isn't the comb too red for 7 weeks?
So do you think if we don't see any hackle or saddle feathers in the next couple weeks
we would be safe to call them hens? Did any of your girls have a comb that red?
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Could #3 be a blue brassyback? Looks like some pics we saw, but not sure about the white chest.
The lemon blue seem to have the wrong color head and neck area.
I would think saddle/hackle feathers would be coming in already. My OEGB were very fast maturers, and tails were already curved at that age. Sadly, I don't have any pictures. I did have some hens with larger red combs that were that size early on. As for color? Seems like project colors that look cool, and need work.

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