Breed/Gender thoughts?


In the Brooder
Aug 7, 2015
Can you help with breed/gender for these 4? They are all a little over 3 weeks old.

1. I think this one is part silkie. 5 toes and black skin, but is feathering in differently than my other silkies.

2. This one is a Barred Rock, wondering for extra opinions on gender. Sorry about pic quality... she(?) wasn't being cooperative.

pic 1 (front) pic 2 (middle)

3. Is this one a black sex link? I think she said it was a RIR x barred rock. Would that mean it's a female?

4. And last, but not least....

From a local farmer. She told me a bunch of breeds when I got them, but of the ten I'm sure 6 are silkies. So I'm not sure about these.
looks like a
silkie cross and a cockerel
a barred rock and a pullet
if that cross is a correct then black sex link pullet
looks like an ee or oe gender is hard to tell
since a couple of them are mixes, I'd go back to the seller and ask again.

The first bird is part silkie, but not pure.
the second bird could be a barred rock pullet, or it could be a mixed breed/black sex link cockerel.
third bird could be a black sex link pullet, or a random mix of black x red birds. My sex links don't have that much red color on the head as a rule.
last bird looks like a little mixed breed. Could have some blue egger genes in there, you'll just have to grow it out and see if it's female and lays colored eggs.
Thank you for your help! Really hoping it's BR pullet and not sex linked cockerel! I'm not planning on showing them or anything, just mostly curiosity... I like to read about what I have, but I'm hoping for some females, and birds that are decent layers/cold hardy and that will hopefully be ok around kids.

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