Breed help first time chicken owner


In the Brooder
Jun 26, 2016
When we bought our chickens they didn't know what breed they were. We bought them at Atwoods. We bought 6 that were marked banded pullet and 4 that they just didn't know. Then got 13 more from a local feed store that were marked sexed pullets. We have no idea what any of them are.


I have 2 of these. They are about 5 months old. They are both laid their first eggs yesterday. Small brown ones.


Our rooster and a few of the others.


That is most of our 13 younger ones. They are about 2 to 3 months.


The one in the front is "Pretty Girl". She is the only one we ended up getting like her. She was one of the banded ones. She's 5 months.

I can't get the other pics to upload here I will try in the comments.
I'm not really a lot of help with breed ID, but Pretty Girl looks a lot like my BR's at that age. Hope she is a BR - they are so lovable.
She is really sweet. She doesn't really like to be touched but she likes to be close to you.
The white ones look like Cornish Cross. The reds are Production Reds. The solid blacks look like Jersey Giants. The ones that are black with gold through the head/neck/chest are black sexlinks. The rooster looks like an Asia Black. And Pretty Girl is a Barred Rock.
Thank you. I am still learning about all of them. I have wanted chickens a long time and finally had the chance to get them. I have really enjoyed them so far. So have our kids. They are really excited now that we got our first eggs. Lol

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