Breed help please


7 Years
Feb 14, 2012
Donna, Texas
I realize that my girls are most likely mutts, if chickens can be called such, but any help in identifiying probable major breed types would be great.

Sorry about the wire. They are still kind of skittish and are only starting to trust me. The sight of a camera or phone in my hand still causes them to show me their tailfeathers unless I keep my distance.

Any help would be appreciated.
Oh, and in case this helps...

Here's an egg from the brown one. The colors as displayed on my monitor are very close to true.
The light girl is probably a Sex-Link x New Hampshire

The darker girl is probably some sort of RIR/Production Red crossed with something else.
Darker girl is RIR or Production Red mixed with a Old English Game. We have a couple and I just love them!

x2 on the lighter hen :)

She's too big for such, and the only Old English that would make that color when crossed with such would be a columbian hen x RIR male, but even then, the body type doesn't fit.
I'm totally ignorant about these things, but I did notice some similarities between my darker girl and internet pics of partridge chantecler. Is it possible that she has a bit of chante in her bloodline? I'm really just guessing here, but I'm trying to learn these little tricks you guys use to differentiate breeds.
I'll be looking to add 2 more girls to my flock for a total of 4 hens and 1 very vain rooster. My 3 currently get along famously, and have since the minute I introduced them, so I feel I should try for birds of similar breeds/ages to keep the status quo. Any recommendations? I'm not savy enough yet to try my hand at chick rearing, I'd rather leave that to the girls if one of them ever goes broody.
The darker one looks like a RIR or production red. Not so sure about the other one. Maybe since the one looks like a RIR maybe the other is a cross between RIR and something else.
Where did you get the birds? Do you know what kind of birds the person you got them from has? That might help you know for sure.

Good luck
Unfortunately, I got them from a local feed store where the shopkeeper's attitude reminded me strongly of Randal from the movie Clerks. I asked him the difference between two cages of chickens and the response was "The ones on the right are cheaper." To be honest, I would never have bought from him, but they were such pretty girls, and I felt like I needed to rescue them. LOL
I can say that the darker one has layed 3 eggs in the last 4 days, and I have a short video of her egg song in case that helps.

Either way, thanks for the responses all.

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