Breed help


9 Years
Apr 28, 2010
Millersburg, PA
I am brand new to turkeys and I picked up these youngsters yesterday. They are about 4 months old. Do you have any idea what breed they might be? I am really liking them, They are very calm and are following me around already. I don't know why I didn't get any sooner!

Thank you! I thought that is what they might have been when I was trying to research them but wanted to be sure. The personality seems to fit them too.
THey were likely hand raised, so if you want the next generations to be friendly, be sure to hand raise the off spring, if you plan to breen them.

Narrigansetts are very pretty as adults. I have 2 toms that cruise around together.
THey were likely hand raised, so if you want the next generations to be friendly, be sure to hand raise the off spring, if you plan to breen them.

Narrigansetts are very pretty as adults. I have 2 toms that cruise around together.
Thank you! No on my luck, they are all boys.
LOL I have no idea what they are yet. How old are they when you can tell if they are male or female? One seems more outgoing and dominant than the other two.
Toms make nice pets-- I really enjoyed the 4 toms cruising around. Much less trouble than 15!!

Maybe you would like to join in on the TUrkeys of 2013 thread-- turkey enthusiasts that visit and share. Cellie posted a long post to sort males from females. In the last month or so. Seeing hte differences is comparative. THe boys start to out grow the girls. THeir heads tend to be reddened and the girls more subdued. Cllie has a long list to review.

Come on over.

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