Breed Identification please

Production Red meaning Sex-Link? Because I definitely think the third is a sex link. I've got 7 of them and she looks exactly like one of my girls.
Marcy-Partridge Cochin
Lucy-Buff Orpington
Peppermint Patty-Red Sex-Link or Production Red, not a NHR because she lacks the deeper body and overall size and the color is a little off with a lack of black in the wing tips and the tail. The poor girl looks a bit gender confused, I would have expected that one to crow from the looks.

Chaquita-a very cute EE who I guess has some NHR in her from her feathering. I would have thought NHR except for the legs being willow.
Thank you for all your help. I'll check on Lucy's legs but I think the lighting when I took the pictures was off. I was waiting for Peppermint Patty to crow but she's definitely laying. She's also the only hen that can knock some sense into my mean RIR roo; she fought with him when they were introduced and left hime dazed and confused!

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